Package : python-llvmlite

Package details

Summary: A lightweight LLVM python binding for writing JIT compilers

The old llvmpy binding exposes a lot of LLVM APIs but the mapping of C++-style
memory management to Python is error prone. Numba and many JIT compilers do not
need a full LLVM API. Only the IR builder, optimizer, and JIT compiler APIs are

llvmlite is a project originally tailored for Numba’s needs, using the
following approach:
- A small C wrapper around the parts of the LLVM C++ API we need that are not
already exposed by the LLVM C API.
- A ctypes Python wrapper around the C API.
- A pure Python implementation of the subset of the LLVM IR builder that we
need for Numba.

License: BSD

Maintainer: nobody

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