Package : perl-Dist-Zilla-Shell

Package details

Summary: An interactive shell for Dist::Zilla

This module adds a new command to the Dist::Zilla manpage: 'shell'. Run it
and an interactive shell is opened. You can then run any other Dist::Zilla
command that you usually run with "dzil _command_" (even 'shell' itself, to
open a sub-shell, but that is useless). Type 'q|quit|exit|x' to exit the

Any command unknown to Dist::Zilla is executed in a system shell, so you
can mix DZ commands and system commands (ls, prove, git...).

Running DZ commands from a shell brings the benefit of avoiding the huge
startup cost due to Moose and all Dist::Zilla plugins. So the first run of
a command under the shell may be still slow, but any successive run will be
much faster.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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