Package : naga

Package details

Summary: Simplified Java NIO asynchronous sockets

Naga aims to be a very small NIO library that provides a handful of
java classes to wrap the usual Socket and ServerSocket with
asynchronous NIO counterparts (similar to NIO2 planned for Java 1.7).

All of this is driven from a single thread, making it useful for both
client (e.g. allowing I/O to be done in the AWT-thread without any
need for threads) and server programming (1 thread for all connections
instead of 2 threads/connection).

Internally Naga is a straightforward NIO implementation without any
threads or event-queues thrown in, it is "just the NIO-stuff", to let
you build things on top of it.

Naga contains the code needed to get NIO up and running without having
to code partially read buffers and setting various selection key

License: MIT

Maintainer: neoclust

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