Package : generic-jms-ra

Package details

Summary: Generic JMS JCA Resource Adapter for JBoss AS

This project is for the Generic JMS JCA Resource Adapter for JBoss AS. As the
name suggests, this JCA RA provides the ability to integrate with any JMS
broker which allows remote clients to look-up connection factories and
destinations via JNDI (as outlined in section 4.2 of the JMS 1.1
specification). It currently is only verified to work in JBoss AS7 and
supports, for example, consuming messages with an MDB and sending messages with
a JCA-base JMS connection factory to 3rd-party brokers. It is based on the
generic JMS JCA RA found in previous versions of JBoss AS (e.g. 4, 5, and 6).
However, unlike those versions this is a stand-alone project now and no longer
supports internal dead-letter processing since every modern JMS broker supports
this already.

License: LGPLv2+

Maintainer: neoclust

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