Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
golang-github-Shopify-sarama Go library for Apache Kafka 0.8, and up 1.27.2 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-envoyproxy-protoc-gen-validate Protoc plugin to generate polyglot message validators 0.4.1 3.mga9 2022-03-16
unibilium Terminfo parsing library 2.1.1 2.mga9 2022-03-16
gforth Fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language 0.7.3 10.mga9 2022-03-16
libxdiff Create diffs/patches for text/binary files 1.0 2.mga9 2022-03-16
task-windowmaker Metapackage for Window Maker 1 10.mga9 2022-03-16
vpnc A free vpn client for the Cisco 3000 concentrators 0.5.3 17.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-latex Go package for LaTeX 0 0.2.mga9 2022-03-16
lpc10 LPC-10 2400 bps Voice Coder 1.5 22.mga9 2022-03-16
ripole Extracts attachments out of mailpack format emails 0.2.0 23.mga9 2022-03-16
ucl The UCL Compression Library 1.03 19.mga9 2022-03-16
ucpp Embeddable, quick, light and fully compliant ISO C99 preprocessor 1.3.5 3.mga9 2022-03-16
fastlz Lightning-fast lossless compression library 0.1.0 0.0.svn12.6.mga9 2022-03-16
libmcrypt Thread-safe data encryption library 2.5.8 24.mga9 2022-03-16
yubikey Decrypting and parsing Yubikey One-Time Passwords Low-level library 1.13 4.mga9 2022-03-16
vorbisgain Adds tags to Ogg Vorbis files to adjust the volume 0.37 15.mga9 2022-03-16
ta-lib Technical Analysis Library 0.4.0 6.mga9 2022-03-16
stringencoders A collection of high performance c-string transformations 3.10.3 9.mga9 2022-03-16
libsilk libsilk is a library for the silk codec 1.0.8 6.mga9 2022-03-16
libmbfl Streamable kanji code filter and converter 1.3.2 4.mga9 2022-03-16
libhbaapi SNIA HBAAPI library 2.2.9 13.mga9 2022-03-16
btanks Funny battle on your desk 0.9.8083 18.mga9 2022-03-16
xmlrpc-epi An implementation of the XML-RPC protocol in C 0.54.2 13.mga9 2022-03-16
godotenv A Go port of Ruby's dotenv library 1.4.0 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-crossdock Go client for Crossdock 0 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-oklog-ulid Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier (ULID) in Go 2.0.2 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-shurcool-vfsgen Takes an input http.FileSystem and generates code that statically implements it 0 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-google-pprof Tool for visualization and analysis of profiling data 0 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-etcd-bbolt Embedded key/value database for Go 1.3.6 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-google-martian Library for building custom HTTP/S proxies 3.1.0 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-cactus-statsd-client Statsd client for Go 5.0.0 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-nats-io-nkeys Public-key signature system based on Ed25519 for the NATS ecosystem 0.2.0 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-rcrowley-metrics Go port of Coda Hale's Metrics library 0 4.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-posener-complete Bash completion written in go + bash completion for Go command 1.2.3 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-cespare-xxhash A Go implementation of the 64-bit xxHash algorithm (XXH64) 2.1.2 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-jmespath Golang implementation of JMESPath 0.4.0 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-hashicorp-sockaddr Ip address/unix socket convenience functions for go 1.0.2 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-k8s-sample-controller Simple controller for watching Foo resources 1.22.0 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-kr-text Miscellaneous functions for formatting text 0.2.0 4.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-mailru-easyjson Fast JSON serializer for Go 0.7.6 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-gorilla-securecookie Package gorilla/securecookie encodes and decodes authenticated and optionally encrypted cookie values for Go web applications 1.1.1 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-dgrijalva-jwt Golang implementation of json web tokens (jwt) 3.2.0 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-google-appengine Go app engine packages 1.6.7 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-nxadm-tail Read from continuously updated files (tail -f) 1.4.6 2.mga9 2022-03-15
golang-github-evanphx-json-patch Go library to apply RFC6902 patches and create and apply RFC7386 patches 5.5.0 2.mga9 2022-03-15
golang-github-burntsushi-xgb Low-level api to communicate with the X server 0 2.mga9 2022-03-15
golang-github-grpc-ecosystem-gateway GRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec 1.16.0 3.mga9 2022-03-15
golang-github-lyft-protoc-gen-star Protoc plugin library for efficient proto-based code generation 0.5.2 2.mga9 2022-03-15
golang-github-pkg-diff Create, modify, and print diffs 0 2.mga9 2022-03-15
libdvdnav DVD Navigation library 6.1.1 2.mga9 2022-03-15
15801-15850 of 16315.