Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
netcat-openbsd Reads and writes data across network connections using TCP or UDP 1.89 13.mga9 2022-03-17
p8-platform Platform support library used by libCEC and Kodi 4.mga9 2022-03-17
libticonv Texas Instruments calculators charsets library 1.1.5 4.mga9 2022-03-17
liboil Optimized functions for multimedia calculations 0.3.17 11.mga9 2022-03-17
libmpd Music Player Daemon Library 11.8.17 12.mga9 2022-03-17
libmms MMS stream protocol library 0.6.4 8.mga9 2022-03-17
jthread Make use of threads easy on different platforms 1.3.3 4.mga9 2022-03-17
libmimic Audio/Video Conference software for Instant Messengers 1.0.4 18.mga9 2022-03-17
gnet2 A network library 2.0.8 20.mga9 2022-03-17
fcgi The FastCGI development kit 2.4.0 22.mga9 2022-03-17
dfc Display file system space usage using graph and colors 3.1.1 4.mga9 2022-03-17
fann Fast artificial neural networks library 2.2.0 10.mga9 2022-03-17
cunit A Unit Testing Framework for C 2.1.3 5.mga9 2022-03-17
ogmtools OGG media stream tools 1:1.5 19.mga9 2022-03-17
etl Template library for synfig 1.5.1 1.mga9 2022-03-16
modules Environment Modules 4.2.1 3.mga9 2022-03-16
apache-mod_geoip GeoIP module for the Apache HTTP Server 1.2.10 4.mga9 2022-03-16
kyotocabinet A lightweight database library 1.2.79 2.mga9 2022-03-16
pngcheck PNG file format checker 3.0.3 2.mga9 2022-03-16
rtmpdump Toolkit for RTMP streams 2.4 0.git20160101.11.mga9 2022-03-16
atomicparsley Command-line program to read and set MPEG-4 tags compatible with iPod/iTunes 0.9.6 2.mga9 2022-03-16
osmctools Tools to manipulate OpenStreetMap files 0.9 3.mga9 2022-03-16
mirrordir Easy to use ftp mirroring package 0.10.49 32.mga9 2022-03-16
potrace Utility for transforming a bitmap into a scalable image 1.16 3.mga9 2022-03-16
pwgen Password generator 2.08 5.mga9 2022-03-16
opencdk Open Crypto Development Kit 0.6.6 17.mga9 2022-03-16
libdrizzle Drizzle Client & Protocol Library 5.1.4 10.mga9 2022-03-16
libpng12 A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files 2:1.2.59 3.mga9 2022-03-16
geoip Find what country an IP address or hostname originates from 1.6.12 6.mga9 2022-03-16
sthttpd Throttleable lightweight httpd server 2.27.0 5.mga9 2022-03-16
pxsup2dast Project X sup to dvdauthor subtitle xml converter 20110712 9.mga9 2022-03-16
pnglite A lightweight C library for loading PNG images 0.1.17 10.mga9 2022-03-16
chaplin A dvd chapter tool for Linux 1.10 14.mga9 2022-03-16
odt2txt A simple (and stupid) converter from OpenDocument Text to plain text 0.5 6.mga9 2022-03-16
iodine Solution to tunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server 0.7.0 8.mga9 2022-03-16
eb Library for reading EB/EPWING files 4.4.3 6.mga9 2022-03-16
libnetfilter_log Netfilter userspace packet logging library 1.0.2 2.mga9 2022-03-16
libnetfilter_queue Provides an API for packets that have been queued by the kernel packet filter 0:1.0.5 2.mga9 2022-03-16
libtermkey Library for easy processing of keyboard entry 0.22 5.mga9 2022-03-16
libnetfilter_acct Netfilter extended accounting infrastructure library 1.0.3 4.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-rogpeppe-internal Selected Go-internal packages factored out from the standard library 1.8.1 2.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-Shopify-sarama Go library for Apache Kafka 0.8, and up 1.27.2 3.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-envoyproxy-protoc-gen-validate Protoc plugin to generate polyglot message validators 0.4.1 3.mga9 2022-03-16
unibilium Terminfo parsing library 2.1.1 2.mga9 2022-03-16
gforth Fast and portable implementation of the ANS Forth language 0.7.3 10.mga9 2022-03-16
libxdiff Create diffs/patches for text/binary files 1.0 2.mga9 2022-03-16
task-windowmaker Metapackage for Window Maker 1 10.mga9 2022-03-16
vpnc A free vpn client for the Cisco 3000 concentrators 0.5.3 17.mga9 2022-03-16
golang-github-latex Go package for LaTeX 0 0.2.mga9 2022-03-16
lpc10 LPC-10 2400 bps Voice Coder 1.5 22.mga9 2022-03-16
15751-15800 of 16306.