Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
libgwenhywfar-devel Gwenhywfar development kit 5.10.1 1.mga9 2022-11-15
libgwenhywfar79 A multi-platform helper library for other libraries 5.10.1 1.mga9 2022-11-15
avif-pixbuf-loader AVIF image loader for GTK+ applications 0.11.1 1.mga9 2022-11-15
libavif-devel Development package for libavif 0.11.1 1.mga9 2022-11-15
libavif-tools Tools to encode and decode AVIF files 0.11.1 1.mga9 2022-11-15
libavif15 Library for encoding and decoding .avif files 0.11.1 1.mga9 2022-11-15
libopenobex-devel Library for using OBEX 1.7.2 6.mga9 2022-11-15
libopenobex1 Library for using OBEX 1.7.2 6.mga9 2022-11-15
libopenobex2 Library for using OBEX 1.7.2 6.mga9 2022-11-15
openobex-apps Apps that come with the Open OBEX c-library 1.7.2 6.mga9 2022-11-15
openobex-ircp Used to "beam" files or whole directories 1.7.2 6.mga9 2022-11-15
emacs-auctex Enhanced LaTeX mode for GNU Emacs 13.1 1.mga9 2022-11-15
mingw32-speex Voice compression format (codec) 1.2.0 4.mga9 2022-11-15
mingw32-speex-tools The tools package for mingw32-speex 1.2.0 4.mga9 2022-11-15
mingw64-speex Voice compression format (codec) 1.2.0 4.mga9 2022-11-15
mingw64-speex-tools The tools package for mingw64-speex 1.2.0 4.mga9 2022-11-15
libgdata-i18n Library for the GData protocol - translations 0.18.1 4.mga9 2022-11-15
libgdata-devel Development files for libgdata 0.18.1 4.mga9 2022-11-15
libgdata-gir0.0 GObject Introspection interface description for GData 0.18.1 4.mga9 2022-11-15
libgdata22 Library for the GData protocol 0.18.1 4.mga9 2022-11-15
libfm GIO-based library for file manager-like programs 1.3.2 4.mga9 2022-11-15
libfm-devel libfm development files 1.3.2 4.mga9 2022-11-15
libfm4 libfm library package 1.3.2 4.mga9 2022-11-15
lxshortcut Edit app shortcuts 1.3.2 4.mga9 2022-11-15
irssi-xmpp An irssi Module to Connect to the Jabber Network 0.54 5.mga9 2022-11-15
libvarnish-devel Development headers and libraries for varnish 6.5.1 5.mga9 2022-11-15
libvarnish2 Shared libraries for varnish 6.5.1 5.mga9 2022-11-15
moreutils-parallel Additional unix utility - parallel command 0.67 1.mga9 2022-11-15
moreutils Additional unix utilities 0.67 1.mga9 2022-11-15
bcc-doc Examples for BPF Compiler Collection (BCC) 0.25.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libmpir-devel Development package for mpir 3.0.0 6.mga9 2022-11-15
libmpir23 Multiprecision integer library derived from GMP 3.0.0 6.mga9 2022-11-15
libmpirxx8 Multiprecision integer library derived from GMP 3.0.0 6.mga9 2022-11-15
kjots Note Taker for Plasma 5 3:5.1.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
pencil2d Traditional animation/drawing software 0.6.6 2.mga9 2022-11-15
calligraplan Project management application for Calligra 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libkplatokernel18 Calligra Plan kernel library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplankundo2_18 Calligra Plan kundo2 library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanmain18 Calligra Plan main library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanmodels18 Calligra Plan models library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanodf18 Calligra Plan odf library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanplugin18 Calligra Plan plugin library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanprivate18 Calligra Plan private library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanstore18 Calligra Plan store library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanui18 Calligra Plan ui library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanwidgets18 Calligra Plan widgets library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanwidgetutils18 Calligra Plan widget utils library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libplanworkfactory18 Calligra Plan work factory library 13:3.3.0 2.mga9 2022-11-15
libalkimia-devel Development files for libalkimia 8.1.1 1.mga9 2022-11-15
libalkimia5_8 Financial library 8.1.1 1.mga9 2022-11-15
17251-17300 of 30368.