
Filter by package name:
  • 0ad : Cross-Platform RTS Game of Ancient Warfare
  • 0ad-data : Cross-Platform RTS Game of Ancient Warfare
  • 2048-qt : Mathematics-based puzzle game
  • 389-admin : 389 Administration Server (admin)
  • 389-adminutil : Utility library for 389 administration
  • 389-adminutil-devel : Development and header files for 389-adminutil
  • 389-ds-base : 389 Directory Server (base)
  • 389-ds-base-snmp : SNMP Agent for 389 Directory Server
  • 389-dsgw : 389 Directory Server Gateway (dsgw)
  • 7kaa : Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries is a real-time strategy game
  • 7kaa-data : Data files for Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
  • 7kaa-music : Game music files for Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries
  • 90secondportraits : Speed painting game: paint portraits in 90 seconds!
  • a2jmidid : ALSA to JACK midi bridge
  • a2ps : Converts text and other types of files to PostScript(TM)
  • a2ps-devel : Include files for a2ps
  • a52dec : A free ATSC A/52 stream decoder library
  • aajohan-comfortaa-fonts : Modern style true type font
  • aalib-progs : Tools to aalib
  • abattis-cantarell-fonts : Humanist sans-serif font family
  • abcde : Command-line utility to rip and encode audio CDs
  • abcm2ps : Converts ABC format music sheets into Postscript
  • abcmidi : Tool for processing ABC music notation files
  • abe : Abe's Amazing Adventure
  • abi-compliance-checker : An ABI Compliance Checker
  • abi-dumper : Tool to dump ABI of an ELF object containing DWARF debug info
  • abiword : Lean and fast full-featured word processor
  • abiword-devel : Devel files for Abiword
  • abiword-docs-en : English documentation and help files for Abiword
  • abiword-docs-fr : French documentation and help files for Abiword
  • abiword-docs-pl : Polish documentation and help files for Abiword
  • abuse-sdl : The classic Crack-Dot-Com game
  • abydos-config : Plugin configuration for abydos
  • ac3info : A tool to display ac3 properties
  • accerciser : Interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop
  • accounts-qml-module : QML module to manage the user's online accounts
  • accounts-qml-module-doc : Documentation for accounts-qml-module
  • accounts-qt-doc : Documentation for accounts-qt
  • accountsservice : D-Bus interfaces for querying and manipulating user account information
  • acidrip : Simple GUI for MEncoder
  • ack : Grep-like text finder for large trees of text
  • acl : Command for manipulating access control lists
  • acme : Letsencrypt perl client
  • acme-tiny : A tiny script to issue and renew TLS certs from Let's Encrypt
  • acpi : Displays information on ACPI devices
  • acpica-tools : ACPICA tools for the development and debug of ACPI tables
  • acpid : ACPI kernel daemon and control utility
  • acpitool : A Linux ACPI client
  • acr38u : ACS ACR 38 USB (acr38u) Smartcard Reader driver for PCSC-lite
  • acsccid : PC/SC driver for Linux/Mac OS X that supports ACS CCID smart card readers
1-50 of 20772.

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