Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
biber-tests Tests for biber 2.18 1.mga9 2022-11-19
cri-o Kubernetes Container Runtime Interface for OCI-based containers 1.25.1 1.mga9 2022-11-19
mate-themes MATE Desktop themes 3.22.23 1.mga9 2022-11-19
libpython-devel The libraries and header files needed for Python development 2.7.18 15.mga9 2022-11-19
libpython2.7 Shared libraries for Python 2.7.18 2.7.18 15.mga9 2022-11-19
libpython2.7-stdlib Python 2.7.18 standard library 2.7.18 15.mga9 2022-11-19
libpython2.7-testsuite Testsuite for the Python 2.7.18 standard library 2.7.18 15.mga9 2022-11-19
cinnamon-session Cinnamon session manager 5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
cinnamon-menus A menu system for the Cinnamon project 5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
cinnamon-menus-devel Libraries and include files for the Cinnamon menu system 5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
cinnamon-control-center Utilities to configure the Cinnamon desktop 5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
cinnamon-control-center-devel Development package for cinnamon-control-center 5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
cinnamon-desktop Shared code among cinnamon-session, nemo, etc 5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
libcinnamon-desktop-devel Libraries and headers for libcinnamon-desktop 5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
libcinnamon-desktop-gir1.0 GObject introspection interface library for cinnamon-desktop 5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
libcinnamon-desktop4 Libraries for cinnamon-desktop 5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
cjs Javascript Bindings for Cinnamon 1:5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
libcjs-devel Development package for cjs 1:5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
libcjs-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for cjs 1:5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
libcjs0 JavaScript bindings based on gobject-introspection 1:5.6.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
golang-github-yuin-goldmark-devel Markdown parser written in Go 1.5.3 2.mga9 2022-11-19
golang-github-rivo-uniseg-devel Unicode Text Segmentation for Go (or: How to Count Characters in a String) 0.4.3 1.mga9 2022-11-19
clawsker Dialog to edit Claws Mail's hidden preferences 1.3.7 1.mga9 2022-11-19
libcppzmq-devel C++ binding for 0MQ 4.9.0 1.mga9 2022-11-19
mutt Text mode mail user agent 1:2.2.9 1.mga9 2022-11-19
mutt-doc Manual for Mutt, a text mode mail user agent 1:2.2.9 1.mga9 2022-11-19
harris A strategy game based around the actions of RAF Bomber Command during WW2 0.4.1 3.mga9 2022-11-19
mingw32-libvirt-gconfig MingwGW Windows libvirt-gconfig virtualization library 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
mingw32-libvirt-glib MingwGW Windows libvirt-gconfig virtualization library 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
mingw32-libvirt-gobject MingwGW Windows libvirt-gobject virtualization library 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
mingw64-libvirt-gconfig MingwGW Windows libvirt-gconfig virtualization library 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
mingw64-libvirt-glib MingwGW Windows libvirt-gconfig virtualization library 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
mingw64-libvirt-gobject MingwGW Windows libvirt-gobject virtualization library 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libvirt-gconfig-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for libvirt-glib 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libvirt-gconfig1.0-devel libvirt object APIs for processing object configuration development files 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libvirt-gconfig1.0_0 libvirt object APIs for processing object configuration 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libvirt-glib-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for libvirt-glib 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libvirt-glib1.0-devel libvirt glib integration for events development files 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libvirt-glib1.0_0 libvirt object APIs for processing object configuration 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libvirt-gobject-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for libvirt-glib 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libvirt-gobject1.0-devel libvirt object APIs for managing virtualization hosts development files 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libvirt-gobject1.0_0 libvirt object APIs for managing virtualization hosts 4.0.0 5.mga9 2022-11-19
libqimageblitz5 Qimageblitz runtime library for Qt 5 1:0.0.6 10.svn1515099.7.mga9 2022-11-19
libqimageblitz5-devel Development files for qimageblitz5 on Qt 5 1:0.0.6 10.svn1515099.7.mga9 2022-11-19
nitroshare-caja Caja extension for Nitroshare 0.3.4 17.mga9 2022-11-18
nitroshare-nautilus Nautilus extension for Nitroshare 0.3.4 17.mga9 2022-11-18
nitroshare-nemo Nemo extension for Nitroshare 0.3.4 17.mga9 2022-11-18
nitroshare Network file transfer application 0.3.4 17.mga9 2022-11-18
gnome-shell-extension-appindicator AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem support for GNOME Shell 46 2.mga9 2022-11-18
lxappearance A new feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher 0.6.3 3.git20220517.4.mga9 2022-11-18
17101-17150 of 30370.