Package : golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt > RPM : golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt-1.3.0-2.mga9.src.rpm

Basic items

Name golang-github-elithrar-simple-scrypt
Version 1.3.0
Release 2.mga9
Group Development/Other
Summary Convenience library for generating, comparing and inspecting password hashes
Size 9KB
Arch aarch64
License MIT


Simple-scrypt provides a convenience wrapper around Go's existing scrypt
package that makes it easier to securely derive strong keys ("hash user
passwords"). This library allows you to:

- Generate a scrypt derived key with a crytographically secure salt and sane
default parameters for N, r and p.
- Upgrade the parameters used to generate keys as hardware improves by storing
them with the derived key (the scrypt spec. doesn't allow for this by default).
- Provide your own parameters (if you wish to).

The API closely mirrors Go's bcrypt library in an effort to make it easy to
migrate—and because it's an easy to grok API.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia cauldron
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Build time 2022-12-30 14:11:06
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