Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
kalzium Shows the periodic system of the elements 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
svgpart A SVG KPart 2:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kwalletmanager KDE Wallet Management Tool 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
filelight Graphical disk usage statistics 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kate Advanced text editor 2:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kompare A diff graphic tool 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
ktimer KDE countdown launcher 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kwordquiz A general purpose flash card program 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
klines Place 5 equal pieces together, but wait, there are 3 new ones 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
ark Program for managing various archive formats within the KDE environment 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
blinken Simon Says Game 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
lokalize Computer-Aided Translation Tool 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kig KDE Interactive Geometry 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
krfb Remote Desktop Server 3:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
parley KDE Vocabulary training application 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
dolphin-plugins Plugins for dolphin 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kfourinline Place 4 pieces in a row 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
ksystemlog System log viewer tool for Plasma 2:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kde-dev-utils K Desktop Environment - Software Development Kit 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
ksnakeduel Snake race played against the computer 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kdeedu-data Shared icons, artwork and data files for educational applications 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kdf View free disk space 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kdesdk-thumbnailers K Desktop Environment - Software Development Kit 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kubrick Game based on Rubik's Cube 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
granatier KDE Bomberman game 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kturtle An educational programming environment 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kmouth A type-and-say front end for speech synthesizers 2:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
signon-kwallet-extension KWallet integration for Sign-on framework 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kcachegrind Visualisation tool for the Valgrind profiler 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kblocks Single player falling blocks puzzle game 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kruler KDE Screen Ruler 2:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kteatime System tray applet that makes sure your tea doesn't get too strong 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
i2pd C++ implementation of an I2P client 2.51.0 2.mga10 2024-04-19
lskat Lieutenant Skat card game 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
klickety An adaptation of the Clickomania game 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kdenetwork-filesharing Network filesharing 3:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kalgebra MathML-based graph calculator 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kollision A simple ball dodging game 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
klettres Language learning program 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
bomber Arcade bombing game 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
ktuberling KTuberling: "potato editor" game 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
kspaceduel Two player game with shooting spaceships flying around a sun 1:24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
lxc Linux Containers 1:6.0.0 1.mga10 2024-04-19
lxcfs FUSE filesystem for LXC 6.0.0 1.mga10 2024-04-19
lutris Install and play any video game easily 0.5.17 1.mga10 2024-04-19
mednaffe Multi-platform front-end (GUI) for the Mednafen emulator (GTK+ 3) 0.9.3 1.mga10 2024-04-19
mednafen Command-line-driven multi-system emulator utilizing OpenGL and SDL 1.32.1 1.mga10 2024-04-19
libwebp Library and tools for the WebP graphics format 1.4.0 1.mga10 2024-04-19
wildmidi Open-source MIDI synthesizer and player 0.4.6 1.mga10 2024-04-19
marble A virtual globe and world atlas 24.02.2 1.mga10 2024-04-19
351-400 of 16323.