Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
jakarta-el Jakarta Expression Language 4.0.0 3.mga10 2024-05-24
jakarta-annotations Jakarta Annotations 1.3.5 17.mga10 2024-05-24
jakarta-activation1 Jakarta Activation Specification and Implementation 1.2.2 11.mga10 2024-05-24
jacoco Java Code Coverage for Eclipse 0.8.11 1.mga10 2024-05-24
jackson-parent Parent pom for all Jackson components 2.17 1.mga10 2024-05-24
jFormatString Java format string compile-time checker 0 6.21.20131227git.7.mga10 2024-05-24
ibus A next generation input framework 1.5.30 2.mga10 2024-05-24
jmock Java library for testing code with mock objects 2.12.0 5.mga10 2024-05-24
jdom2 Java manipulation of XML made easy 2.mga10 2024-05-24
jdom Java alternative to DOM and SAX 1.1.3 33.mga10 2024-05-24
perl-Sub-Prototype Set a sub's prototype 0.30.0 1.mga10 2024-05-23
AfterStep AfterStep Window Manager 4:2.2.12 23.mga10 2024-05-23
bluez Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack 5.76 1.mga10 2024-05-23
appstream Utilities to generate, maintain and access the AppStream database 1.0.3 1.mga10 2024-05-23
libdatachannel WebRTC network library featuring Data Channels, Media Transport, and WebSockets 0.21.1 1.mga10 2024-05-23
perl-CPAN-Requirements-Dynamic Dynamic prerequisites in meta files 0.1.0 1.mga10 2024-05-23
octave High-level language for numerical computations 0:9.1.0 2.mga10 2024-05-23
kf5-qqc2-desktop-style Qt Quick Controls 2: Desktop Style 5.116.1 1.mga10 2024-05-23
httpcomponents-project Common POM file for HttpComponents 13 1.mga10 2024-05-23
httpcomponents-client HTTP agent implementation based on httpcomponents HttpCore 4.5.14 1.mga10 2024-05-23
httpcomponents-core Set of low level Java HTTP transport components for HTTP services 4.4.16 1.mga10 2024-05-23
htmlcleaner HTML parser written in Java 2.2.1 14.mga10 2024-05-23
hsqldb HyperSQL Database Engine 1:2.7.2 3.mga10 2024-05-23
howl-logger High-speed ObjectWeb Logger 1.0.2 19.mga10 2024-05-23
hibernate-jpa-2.1-api Java Persistence 2.1 (JSR 338) API 1.0.0 5.mga10 2024-05-23
hibernate-jpa-2.0-api Java Persistence 2.0 (JSR 317) API 1.0.1 26.mga10 2024-05-23
gsbase A collection of java utility classes 2.0.1 13.mga10 2024-05-23
geronimo-osgi-support OSGI spec bundle support 1.1 7.mga10 2024-05-23
geronimo-validation Geronimo implementation of JSR 303 1.1 21.mga10 2024-05-23
geronimo-parent-poms Parent POM files for geronimo-specs 1.6 28.mga10 2024-05-23
fusesource-pom Parent POM for FuseSource Maven projects 1.12 8.mga10 2024-05-23
forge-parent Sonatype Forge Parent Pom 38 12.mga10 2024-05-23
fop XSL-driven print formatter 2.9 2.mga10 2024-05-23
ldapjdk LDAP SDK 5.5.0 1.mga10 2024-05-23
felix-gogo-runtime Apache Felix Gogo command line shell for OSGi 1.1.4 3.mga10 2024-05-23
felix-utils Utility classes for OSGi 1.11.8 4.mga10 2024-05-23
felix-scr Apache Felix Service Component Runtime (SCR) 2.1.26 3.mga10 2024-05-23
felix-gogo-shell Apache Felix Gogo command line shell for OSGi 1.1.4 3.mga10 2024-05-23
felix-gogo-parent Parent pom for Apache Felix Gogo 6 3.mga10 2024-05-23
felix-gogo-command Apache Felix Gogo command line shell for OSGi 1.1.2 3.mga10 2024-05-23
evo-inflector Implements English pluralization algorithm 1.2.1 7.mga10 2024-05-23
ed25519-java Implementation of EdDSA (Ed25519) in Java 0.3.0 6.mga10 2024-05-23
ecj Eclipse Compiler for Java 1:4.23 1.mga10 2024-05-23
jss Java Security Services (JSS) 5.5.0 1.mga10 2024-05-23
easymock Easy mock objects 4.3 2.mga10 2024-05-23
dtdparser A Java DTD Parser 1.21 18.mga10 2024-05-23
cpptasks Compile and link task for ant 1.0b5 22.mga10 2024-05-23
disruptor Concurrent Programming Framework 3.4.4 2.mga10 2024-05-23
directory-project Apache Directory Project Root pom 35 6.mga10 2024-05-23
decentxml XML parser optimized for round-tripping and code reuse 1.4 20.mga10 2024-05-23
1801-1850 of 16327.