Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
svgsalamander An SVG engine for Java 1.1.2 6.mga10 2024-05-27
svnkit Pure Java library to manage Subversion working copies and repositories 1.8.12 9.mga10 2024-05-27
swing-layout Natural layout for Swing panels 1.0.4 16.mga10 2024-05-27
t-digest A new data structure for on-line accumulation of statistics 3.2 2.mga10 2024-05-27
tagsoup A SAX-compliant HTML parser written in Java 0:1.2.1 18.mga10 2024-05-27
tanukiwrapper Java Service Wrapper 3.5.43 5.mga10 2024-05-27
takari-polyglot Modules to enable Maven usage in other JVM languages 0.4.6 3.mga10 2024-05-27
test-interface Uniform interface to Scala and Java test frameworks 1.0 12.mga10 2024-05-27
trilead-ssh2 SSH-2 protocol implementation in pure Java 217 8.jenkins21.1.mga10 2024-05-27
xbean Java plugin based web server 4.24 1.mga10 2024-05-27
tomcat-taglibs-standard Apache Standard Taglib 0:1.2.5 8.mga10 2024-05-27
tomcat-taglibs-parent Apache Taglibs Parent 3 10.mga10 2024-05-27
treelayout Efficient and customizable Tree Layout Algorithm in Java 1.0.3 9.mga10 2024-05-27
truth An assertion framework for Java unit tests 1.0.1 2.mga10 2024-05-27
vecmath The 3D vector math Java package, javax.vecmath 1.6.0 0.1.20130710git41fddda.11.mga10 2024-05-27
weld-parent Parent POM for Weld 46 2.mga10 2024-05-27
ws-commons-util Common utilities from the Apache Web Services Project 1.0.2 8.mga10 2024-05-27
wsdl4j Web Services Description Language Toolkit for Java 0:1.6.3 15.mga10 2024-05-27
xml-commons-resolver Resolver subproject of xml-commons 0:1.2 39.mga10 2024-05-27
xml-commons-apis APIs for DOM, SAX, and JAXP 1.4.01 40.mga10 2024-05-27
xml-maven-plugin Maven XML Plugin 1.1.0 2.mga10 2024-05-27
xmlgraphics-commons XML Graphics Commons 0:2.9 2.mga10 2024-05-27
xmlpull XML Pull Parsing API 1.2.0 3.mga10 2024-05-27
xmlrpc Java XML-RPC implementation 1:3.1.3 80.mga10 2024-05-27
xmlstreambuffer Stream Based Representation for XML Infoset 2.1.0 2.mga10 2024-05-27
xmvn-connector-ivy XMvn Connector for Apache Ivy 4.0.0 1.mga10 2024-05-27
xmltool Tool to manage XML documents through a Fluent Interface 3.3 25.mga10 2024-05-27
xmpcore Java XMP Library 5.1.2 13.mga10 2024-05-27
xpp3 XML Pull Parser 1.1.4 9.c.7.mga10 2024-05-27
yuicompressor YUI Compressor - The Yahoo JavaScript and CSS Compressor 2.4.8 7.mga10 2024-05-27
xstream Java XML serialization library 1.4.20 3.mga10 2024-05-27
xz-java Java implementation of XZ data compression 1.9 3.mga10 2024-05-27
yydebug Supports tracing and animation for a Java-based parser generated by jay 1.1.0 17.mga10 2024-05-27
byte-buddy Runtime code generation for the Java virtual machine 1.14.2 3.mga10 2024-05-27
icu4j International Components for Unicode for Java 1:75.1 1.mga10 2024-05-27
mod_cluster Apache HTTP Server dynamic load balancer with Wildfly and Tomcat libraries 1.3.20 1.mga10 2024-05-27
ongres-stringprep RFC 3454 Preparation of Internationalized Strings in pure Java 1.1 3.mga10 2024-05-27
javasqlite SQLite Java Wrapper/JDBC Driver 20140624 11.mga10 2024-05-27
ongres-scram Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (SCRAM) - Java Implementation 2.1 3.mga10 2024-05-27
harfbuzz OpenType text shaping engine 8.5.0 1.mga10 2024-05-27
sisu-mojos Sisu plugin for Apache Maven 0.9.0~M2 1.mga10 2024-05-27
jasper JPEG-2000 utilities 4.2.4 1.mga10 2024-05-27
castxml C-family abstract syntax tree XML output tool 0.6.6 1.mga10 2024-05-27
mingw-jasper MinGW Windows Jasper library 4.2.4 1.mga10 2024-05-27
imagej Image Processing and Analysis in Java 1.54i 1.mga10 2024-05-27
exec-maven-plugin Exec Maven Plugin 3.3.0 1.mga10 2024-05-27
diskimage-builder Image building tools for OpenStack 3.32.0 1.mga10 2024-05-27
bats Bash Automated Testing System 1.11.0 1.mga10 2024-05-27
bloaty A size profiler for binaries 1.1 15.mga10 2024-05-26
nextcloud-client The Nextcloud Client 3.12.5 1.mga10 2024-05-26
1551-1600 of 16323.