Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
perl-Working-Daemon Perl extension for turning your script into daemon 0.310.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-WWW-Mechanize-CGI Use WWW::Mechanize with CGI applications 0.300.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Version-Next Increment module version numbers simply and correctly 1.0.0 5.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Version-Requirements A set of version requirements for a CPAN dist 0.101.23 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-WDDX WDDX.pm - Module for reading and writing WDDX packets 1.20.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-WebService-FreeDB FreeDB search by keyword 0.790.0 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Vim-Tag Generate perl tags for vim 1.110.690 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-VCG VCG module for perl 0.500.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-URI-Simple Simple way to parse uri 1.0.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-User API for locating user information regardless of OS 1.900.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-VCS-Lite Minimal upstream_version control system 0.120.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-UUID-Tiny Pure Perl UUID functions 1.40.0 9.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Validation-Class Basic Instructions for Writing Plugins 7.900.56 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-UUID-Random Generate random uuid strings 0.40.0 8.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-UI-Dialog OOPerl wrapper for the various dialog applications 1.90.0 9.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-URI-Encode Simple percent Encoding/Decoding 1.1.1 4.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-UPS-Nut A perl module to talk to a UPS via NUT upsd 0.40.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tree-R Perl extension for the Rtree data structure and algorithms 0.72.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Unix-ConfigFile Unix::ConfigFile module for Perl 0.60.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-UNIVERSAL-can Hack around calling UNIVERSAL::can() as a function 1.201.403.280 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Unicode-UTF8simple Conversions to/from UTF8 from/to character sets 1.60.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Uniq Perl extension for managing list of values 0.10.0 7.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tk-Sugar Sugar syntax for Tk 1.93.190 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tree-AVL An AVL (balanced binary) tree 1.77.0 7.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Unicode-EastAsianWidth-Detect Detect CJK Language 0.30.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tree-Nary Tree::Nary - Perl implementation of N-ary search trees 1.300.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tk-Role-HasWidgets Keep track of your tk widgets 1.112.380 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tree A tree datastructure 1.50.0 9.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tk-FileDialog Tk::FileDialog Perl module 1.300.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tk-Clock Canvas based Clock widget 0.390.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tk-Action Action abstraction for tk 1.93.390 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Time-Period Time::Period module for perl 1.250.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Time-SoFar Perl module to calculate run time 1.0.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Time-ZoneInfo Perl extension for returning a list of Time Zones 0.300.0 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Time-Mock Shift and scale time 0.0.2 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tie-IxHash Tie-IxHash module for perl 1.230.0 9.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tie-Watch Place watchpoints on Perl variables 1.301.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tie-Cache LRU Cache in Memory 0.210.0 9.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Text-Wrapper Simple word wrapping routine perl module 1.50.0 8.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tie-ToObject Tie to an existing object 0.30.0 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tie-Simple Create ties without creating full packages 1.40.0 5.mga9 2022-03-20
sdcc Small Device C Compiler 4.2.0 1.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tie-RefHash-Weak A Tie::RefHash subclass with weakened references in the keys 0.90.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tie-RefHash Use references as hash keys 1.390.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Text-WikiFormat Module for translating Wiki formatted text into other formats 0.810.0 8.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Tie-Array-Iterable Forward Iterator object 0.30.0 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-TheSchwartz Superclass for defining task behavior 1.120.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Text-WrapI18N Text-WrapI18N module for perl 0.60.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Text-WagnerFischer An implementation of the Wagner-Fischer edit distance 0.40.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Text-Textile Transforms text in Textile format to HTML 2.130.0 8.mga9 2022-03-20
14101-14150 of 16291.