Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
libopencv_dnn_superres4.5 OpenCV Super Resolution using CNNs module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_dpm4.5 OpenCV Deformable Part Model module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_face4.5 OpenCV Face Recognition module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_features2d4.5 OpenCV 2D feature detectors 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_flann4.5 OpenCV FLANN library 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_freetype4.5 OpenCV text drawing module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_fuzzy4.5 OpenCV Fuzzy Logic in Vision module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_gapi4.5 OpenCV Graph API 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_hfs4.5 OpenCV Hierarchical Feature Selection for Efficient Image Segmentation module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_highgui4.5 OpenCV GUI and image/video I/O library 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_img_hash4.5 OpenCV Image Hashing algorithms module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_imgcodecs4.5 OpenCV image codecs 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_imgproc4.5 OpenCV image processing library 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_intensity_transform4.5 OpenCV intensity transform library 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_line_descriptor4.5 OpenCV Line Segment Extract and Match module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_mcc4.5 OpenCV Macbeth Chart module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_ml4.5 OpenCV machine learning model library 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_objdetect4.5 OpenCV motion analysis and object tracking library 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_optflow4.5 OpenCV Optical Flow module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_phase_unwrapping4.5 OpenCV Phase Unwrapping module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_photo4.5 OpenCV motion analysis and object tracking library 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_plot4.5 OpenCV Plotting module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_quality4.5 OpenCV Quality API 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_rapid4.5 OpenCV RAPID-a video rate object tracker 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_reg4.5 OpenCV Image Registration module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_rgbd4.5 OpenCV RGB-Depth Processing module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_saliency4.5 OpenCV Saliency API module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_shape4.5 OpenCV shape detection 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_stereo4.5 OpenCV Stereo Correspondence module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_stitching4.5 OpenCV Stitching Pipeline 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_structured_light4.5 OpenCV Structured Light Use module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_superres4.5 OpenCV superres library 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_surface_matching4.5 OpenCV Point Pair Features module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_text4.5 OpenCV Visual Text Matching module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_tracking4.5 OpenCV Vision Based Object Tracking module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_video4.5 OpenCV motion analysis and object tracking library 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_videoio4.5 OpenCV Video I/O 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_videostab4.5 OpenCV Video stabilization 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_ximgproc4.5 OpenCV Extended Image Processing module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_xobjdetect4.5 OpenCV Boosted 2D Object Detection module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
libopencv_xphoto4.5 OpenCV Extra Computational Photography module 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
opencv-devel OpenCV development files 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
opencv-samples OpenCV sample code 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
python3-opencv OpenCV Python 3 bindings 4.5.1 1.3.mga8 2021-03-27
frozen-bubble Frozen Bubble arcade game 2.212.0 36.mga8 2021-03-27
libsystemd0 Systemd library package 246.13 1.mga8 2021-03-27
libudev-devel udev library development files 246.13 1.mga8 2021-03-27
libudev1 udev library package 246.13 1.mga8 2021-03-27
nss-myhostname systemd provided glibc plugin for local system host name resolution 246.13 1.mga8 2021-03-27
systemd-devel Systemd development files 246.13 1.mga8 2021-03-27
17801-17850 of 18868.