Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
php-soap Soap extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-pgsql PostgreSQL database module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-phar Allows running of complete applications out of .phar files 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-posix POSIX extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-readline Readline extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-sockets Sockets extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-sodium Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-sqlite3 SQLite database bindings for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-sysvmsg SysV msg extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-sysvsem SysV sem extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-sysvshm SysV shm extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-tidy Tidy HTML Repairing and Parsing for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-tokenizer Tokenizer extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-xmlreader Xmlreader extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-xmlwriter Provides fast, non-cached, forward-only means to write XML data 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-xsl Xsl extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-zip A zip management extension for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-zlib Zlib extension module for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
phpdbg The interactive PHP debugger 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
php-doc Documentation for PHP 3:8.0.3 1.1.mga8 2021-04-05
boomaga A virtual printer for viewing a document before printing 3.0.0 3.2.mga8 2021-04-04
swig Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG) 1:4.0.2 1.1.mga8 2021-04-03
swig-doc Documentation and examples for swig 1:4.0.2 1.1.mga8 2021-04-03
fontbox Apache FontBox 2.0.23 1.mga8 2021-04-03
pdfbox Apache PDFBox library for working with PDF documents 2.0.23 1.mga8 2021-04-03
pdfbox-debugger Apache PDFBox Debugger 2.0.23 1.mga8 2021-04-03
pdfbox-javadoc Javadoc for pdfbox 2.0.23 1.mga8 2021-04-03
pdfbox-parent Apache PDFBox Parent POM 2.0.23 1.mga8 2021-04-03
pdfbox-reactor Apache PDFBox Reactor POM 2.0.23 1.mga8 2021-04-03
pdfbox-tools Apache PDFBox Tools 2.0.23 1.mga8 2021-04-03
preflight Apache Preflight 2.0.23 1.mga8 2021-04-03
xmpbox Apache XmpBox 2.0.23 1.mga8 2021-04-03
velocity Java-based template engine 0:1.7 33.1.mga8 2021-04-02
velocity-demo Demo for velocity 0:1.7 33.1.mga8 2021-04-02
velocity-javadoc Javadoc for velocity 0:1.7 33.1.mga8 2021-04-02
velocity-manual Manual for velocity 0:1.7 33.1.mga8 2021-04-02
dumpcap Network traffic dump tool 3.4.4 1.mga8 2021-04-02
libwireshark-devel Development files for wireshark 3.4.4 1.mga8 2021-04-02
libwireshark14 Network traffic and protocol analyzer libraries 3.4.4 1.mga8 2021-04-02
libwiretap11 Packet-capture library for wireshark 3.4.4 1.mga8 2021-04-02
libwsutil12 Network packet dissection utilities library 3.4.4 1.mga8 2021-04-02
rawshark Dump and analyze raw libpcap data 3.4.4 1.mga8 2021-04-02
tshark Text-mode network traffic and protocol analyzer 3.4.4 1.mga8 2021-04-02
wireshark Network traffic analyzer 3.4.4 1.mga8 2021-04-02
wireshark-tools Tools for manipulating capture files 3.4.4 1.mga8 2021-04-02
mencoder MPlayer's movie encoder 1.4 9.2.mga8.tainted 2021-04-01
mplayer-doc MPlayer documentation 1.4 9.2.mga8.tainted 2021-04-01
mplayer-gui GUI for mplayer 1.4 9.2.mga8.tainted 2021-04-01
mplayer Movie player for linux playing most video formats and DVDs 1.4 9.2.mga8.tainted 2021-04-01
mencoder MPlayer's movie encoder 1.4 9.2.mga8 2021-04-01
17651-17700 of 18868.