Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
firefox-zh_CN Simplified Chinese interface for Firefox 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-01
firefox-zh_TW Traditional Chinese interface for Firefox 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-01
libfm GIO-based library for file manager-like programs 1.3.2 1.mga8 2021-03-01
libfm-devel libfm development files 1.3.2 1.mga8 2021-03-01
libfm4 libfm library package 1.3.2 1.mga8 2021-03-01
lxshortcut Edit app shortcuts 1.3.2 1.mga8 2021-03-01
qbittorrent A lightweight but featureful BitTorrent client 4.3.3 1.mga8 2021-03-01
qbittorrent-nox A Headless Bittorrent Client 4.3.3 1.mga8 2021-03-01
xpdf A PDF file viewer for the X Window System 4.03 1.mga8 2021-02-28
xpdf-common Common files for xpdf and the applications based on it 4.03 1.mga8 2021-02-28
privoxy Privacy enhancing HTTP proxy 3.0.32 1.mga8 2021-02-28
redis A persistent key-value database 6.0.11 1.mga8 2021-02-28
netty An asynchronous event-driven network application framework and tools for Java 4.1.51 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
netty-javadoc API documentation for netty 4.1.51 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
thunderbird Full-featured email, RSS, and newsgroup client 0:78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-02-28
thunderbird-enigmail Access the authentication and encryption features provided by GnuPG 0:78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-02-28
firefox Mozilla Firefox Web browser 0:78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-02-28
firefox-devel Development files for firefox 0:78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-02-28
xmlgraphics-commons XML Graphics Commons 0:2.6 1.mga8 2021-02-28
xmlgraphics-commons-javadoc Javadoc for xmlgraphics-commons 0:2.6 1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik Scalable Vector Graphics for Java 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik-css Batik CSS engine 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik-demo Samples for batik 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik-javadoc Javadoc for batik 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik-rasterizer Batik SVG rasterizer 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik-slideshow Batik SVG slideshow 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik-squiggle Batik SVG browser 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik-svgpp Batik SVG pretty printer 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik-ttf2svg Batik SVG font converter 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
batik-util Batik utility library 1:1.14 1.1.mga8 2021-02-28
nodejs-docs Node.js API documentation 1:14.16.0 1.mga8 2021-02-28
nodejs JavaScript runtime 1:14.16.0 1.mga8 2021-02-28
nodejs-devel JavaScript runtime - development headers 1:14.16.0 1.mga8 2021-02-28
nodejs-libs Node.js and v8 libraries 1:14.16.0 1.mga8 2021-02-28
npm Node.js Package Manager 1:6.14.11 2021-02-28
v8-devel v8 - development headers 2:8.4.371.19.mga8 1.mga8 2021-02-28
pavucontrol Volume control for Pulseaudio sound server for Linux 4.0 3.mga8 2021-02-28
wpa_supplicant Linux WPA Supplicant (IEEE 802.1X, WPA, WPA2, RSN, IEEE 802.11i) 2.9 8.1.mga8 2021-02-27
wpa_supplicant-gui Graphical tool for wpa_supplicant 2.9 8.1.mga8 2021-02-27
python3-django A high-level Python Web framework 3.1.7 1.mga8 2021-02-27
xterm Standard terminal emulator for the X window system 363 1.1.mga8 2021-02-27
python3-httplib2 Python 3 HTTP library module 0.19.0 1.mga8 2021-02-27
iwlwifi-firmware Nonfree iwlwifi firmware files for the Linux kernel 20210223 1.mga8.nonfree 2021-02-27
kernel-firmware-nonfree Non-free firmware files for the Linux kernel 20210223 1.mga8.nonfree 2021-02-27
ralink-firmware Nonfree Ralink firmware files for the Linux kernel 20210223 1.mga8.nonfree 2021-02-27
rtlwifi-firmware Nonfree rtlwifi firmware files for the Linux kernel 20210223 1.mga8.nonfree 2021-02-27
python3-cryptography PyCA's cryptography library 3.3.1 1.1.mga8 2021-02-27
mingw32-glib2 MinGW Windows Glib2 library for the win32 target 2.66.7 1.mga8 2021-02-27
mingw32-glib2-static Static version of the MinGW Windows GLib2 library 2.66.7 1.mga8 2021-02-27
mingw64-glib2 MinGW Windows Glib2 library for the win64 target 2.66.7 1.mga8 2021-02-27
20501-20550 of 20890.