Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
mythtv-plugin-netvision NetVision for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-news RSS News feed plugin for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-weather MythTV module that displays a weather forecast 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-zoneminder Security camera plugin for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8 2021-03-04
mythtv-setup Setup the mythtv backend 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8 2021-03-04
perl-MythTV Perl bindings for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8 2021-03-04
python3-mythtv Python 3 bindings for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8 2021-03-04
libmyth-devel Development files for libmyth 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
libmyth31 Library providing mythtv support 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-backend Server component of mythtv (a PVR) 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-common Common components needed by multiple other MythTV components 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-frontend Client component of mythtv (a PVR) 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-browser Full web browser for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-game Game frontend for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-music The music player add-on module for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-netvision NetVision for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-archive Creates DVDs from your recorded shows 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-news RSS News feed plugin for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-weather MythTV module that displays a weather forecast 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-plugin-zoneminder Security camera plugin for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
mythtv-setup Setup the mythtv backend 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
perl-MythTV Perl bindings for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
python3-mythtv Python 3 bindings for MythTV 31.0 20210112.1.1.mga8.tainted 2021-03-04
apache-mod_dav_svn Subversion server DSO module for apache 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
libsvn-gnome-keyring0 gnome-keyring support for svn 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
libsvn-kwallet0 kwallet support for svn 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
libsvn0 Subversion libraries 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
libsvnjavahl1 Svn Java bindings library 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
perl-SVN Perl bindings for Subversion 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
python3-svn Python 3 bindings for Subversion 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
subversion A Concurrent Versioning System 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
subversion-devel Subversion headers/libraries for development 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
subversion-doc Subversion Documenation 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
subversion-server Subversion Server 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
subversion-tools Subversion Repo/Server Tools 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
svn-javahl Java bindings for Subversion 2:1.14.1 1.1.mga8 2021-03-03
gimp-plugin-gmic gmic plugin for gimp 2.9.4 3.1.mga8 2021-03-03
gmic A script language (G'MIC) dedicated to image processing 2.9.4 3.1.mga8 2021-03-03
libgmic-devel Header file for gmic 2.9.4 3.1.mga8 2021-03-03
libgmic2 Library for gmic 2.9.4 3.1.mga8 2021-03-03
zart GUI for G'MIC real-time manipulations on the output of a webcam 2.9.4 3.1.mga8 2021-03-03
thunderbird-ar Arabic interface for Thunderbird 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-02
thunderbird-ast Asturian interface for Thunderbird 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-02
thunderbird-be Belarusian interface for Thunderbird 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-02
thunderbird-bg Bulgarian interface for Thunderbird 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-02
thunderbird-br Breton interface for Thunderbird 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-02
thunderbird-ca Catalan interface for Thunderbird 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-02
thunderbird-cs Czech interface for Thunderbird 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-02
thunderbird-cy Welsh interface for Thunderbird 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-02
thunderbird-da Dansk interface for Thunderbird 78.8.0 1.mga8 2021-03-02
20301-20350 of 20890.