Package : perl-String-Escape

Package details

Summary: Registry of string functions, including backslash escapes

This module provides a flexible calling interface to some
frequently-performed string conversion functions, including applying and
removing C/Unix-style backslash escapes like
and \t, wrapping and
removing double-quotes, and truncating to fit within a desired length.

Furthermore, the escape() function provides for dynamic selection of
operations by using a package hash variable to map escape specification
strings to the functions which implement them. The lookup imposes a bit
of a performance penalty, but allows for some useful late-binding
behaviour. Compound specifications (ex. 'quoted uppercase') are expanded
to a list of functions to be applied in order. Other modules may also
register their functions here for later general use. (See the "CALLING
BY NAME" section below for more.)

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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