Package : perl-Plack-Test-AnyEvent

Package details

Summary: Run Plack::Test on AnyEvent-based PSGI applications

This L<Plack::Test> implementation allows you to easily test your
L<AnyEvent>-based PSGI applications. Normally, L<Plack::Test::MockHTTP> or
L<Plack::Test::Server> work fine for this, but this implementation comes in
handy when you'd like to test your streaming results as they come in, or if
your application uses long-polling. For non-streaming requests, you can use
this module exactly like Plack::Test::MockHTTP; otherwise, you can set up a
content handler and call C<$res-E<gt>recv>. The event loop will then run
until the PSGI application closes its writer handle or until your test
client calls C<send> on the response.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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