Package : perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaYAML-Minimal

Package details

Summary: Generate a reductionist YAML META file for compatibility only

Generally, if you're creating both "META.json" and "META.yml", then
you're doing so purely for compatibility reasons.

In such circumstances, using the same meta-data for both leads to a lot
of cruft in "META.yml"

This "Dist::Zilla" extension is for such circumstances.

However, if you are *only* shipping "META.yml" and NOT "META.json", then
using this extension would be harmful and cause loss of information.

Presently, this extension is a *PROTOTYPE*, and just culls fields
leading with "x_" passed by "Dist::Zilla".

The final behavior may require enhancements to "CPAN::Meta::Converter"
and might be possibly superseded by patches to "MetaYAML" itself.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: sander85

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