Package : perl-Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CustomLicense

Package details

Summary: Setting legal stuff of Dist::Zilla while keeping control

This module extends the Software::License manpage to give the possibility
of specifying all aspects related to a software license in a custom file.
This allows for setting custom dates, notices, etc. while still preserving
compatibility with all places where the Software::License manpage is used,
e.g. the Dist::Zilla manpage.

In this way, you should be able to customise some aspects of the licensing
messages that would otherwise be difficult to tinker, e.g. adding a note in
the notice, setting multiple years for the copyright notice or set multiple
authors and/or copyright holders.

The license details should be put inside a file that contains different
sections. Each section has the following format:

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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