Package : perl-Curses-Toolkit

Package details

Summary: An about dialog window

This module tries to be a modern curses toolkit, based on the Curses
module, to build "semi-graphical" user interfaces easily.

*WARNING* : This is still in "beta" version, not all the features are
implemented, and the API may change. However, most of the components are
there, and things should not change that much in the future... Still, don't
use it in production, and don't consider it stable.

Curses::Toolkit is meant to be used with a main loop, which is
not part of this module. I recommend you POE::Component::Curses,
which is probably what you want. POE::Component::Curses
uses Curses::Toolkit, but provides a main loop and handles keyboard,
mouse, timer and other events, whereas Curses::Toolkit is just the drawing
library. See the example above. the 'spawn' method returns a
Curses::Toolkit object, which you can call methods on.

License: GPL+ or Artistic

Maintainer: nobody

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