Package : sch-rnd

Package details

Summary: Standard installation

sch-rnd is a highly modular schematic capture software with a rich set of
plugins for communicating with various external design tools and other
EDA/CAD packages.

Feature highlights:
- explicit abstract model
- back annotation support
- multiple sheets

File formats and compatibility:
- text based, tree structured native file format (lihata)
- import netlist:
* altium schematics
* geda cschem schematics (v2)
* lihata cschem schematics (any version)
* cschem non-graphical schematic sheets in tEDAx format
* cschem non-graphical schematic sheets in tEDAx format
* TinyCAD schematics
- export netlist:
* tEDAx netlist
* lihata cschem schematics (any version)
- import misc:
* geda cschem symbol (v1)
* lihata cschem symbol (any version)
- export misc:
* abstract model text
* printer (using ps)
* png
* ps
* eps
* spice
* svg
* lihata cschem symbol (any version)

For full details of supported formats etc. please visit:

License: GPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ and BSD and MIT

Maintainer: barjac

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