
Filter by package name:
  • rust-hashbrown : Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map
  • rust-hashbrown0.12 : Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map
  • rust-hashbrown0.13 : Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map
  • rust-hashbrown0.9 : Rust port of Google's SwissTable hash map
  • rust-heapsize : Infrastructure for measuring the total runtime size of an object on the heap
  • rust-heck : Case conversion library
  • rust-heck0.3 : Case conversion library
  • rust-hex : Encoding and decoding data into/from hexadecimal representation
  • rust-hex-literal : Macro for converting hexadecimal string to a byte array at compile time
  • rust-hex-literal-impl : Internal implementation of the hex-literal crate
  • rust-hex-literal0.2 : Procedural macro for converting hexadecimal string to byte array at compile time
  • rust-hex-literal0.3 : Procedural macro for converting hexadecimal string to byte array at compile time
  • rust-hmac : Generic implementation of Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC)
  • rust-home : Shared definitions of home directories
  • rust-hostname : Cross-platform system's host name functions
  • rust-html5ever : High-performance browser-grade HTML5 parser
  • rust-http : Set of types for representing HTTP requests and responses
  • rust-http-body : Trait representing an asynchronous, streaming, HTTP request or response body
  • rust-httparse : Tiny, safe, speedy, zero-copy HTTP/1.x parser
  • rust-httpdate : HTTP date parsing and formatting
  • rust-humansize : Configurable crate to easily represent file sizes in a human-readable format
  • rust-humantime : Parser and formatter for std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}
  • rust-humantime1 : Parser and formatter for std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}
  • rust-hyper : Fast and correct HTTP library
  • rust-hyper-tls : Default TLS implementation for use with hyper
  • rust-iana-time-zone : Get the IANA time zone for the current system
  • rust-ident_case : Utility for applying case rules to Rust identifiers
  • rust-idna : IDNA (Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications) and Punycode
  • rust-idna0.1 : IDNA (Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications) and Punycode
  • rust-idna0.2 : IDNA (Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications) and Punycode
  • rust-ignore : Fast library for efficiently matching ignore files
  • rust-image : Imaging library
  • rust-indenter : Formatter wrapper that indents the text, designed for error display impls
  • rust-indexmap : Hash table with consistent order and fast iteration
  • rust-indexmap1 : Hash table with consistent order and fast iteration
  • rust-indoc : Indented document literals
  • rust-Inflector : Adds String based inflections for Rust
  • rust-inout : Custom reference types for in-place and buffer-to-buffer operations
  • rust-insta : Snapshot testing library for Rust
  • rust-instant : Partial replacement for std::time::Instant that works on WASM too
  • rust-inventory : Typed distributed plugin registration
  • rust-inventory-impl : Implementation of macros for the `inventory` crate
  • rust-io-lifetimes : Low-level I/O ownership and borrowing library
  • rust-io-uring : Low-level io_uring userspace interface for Rust
  • rust-iovec : Portable buffer type for scatter/gather I/O operations
  • rust-ipnet : Provides types and useful methods for working with IP prefixes
  • rust-ipnetwork : Library to work with IP CIDRs in Rust
  • rust-is-terminal : Test whether a given stream is a terminal
  • rust-itertools : Extra iterator adaptors, iterator methods, free functions, and macros
  • rust-itertools-num : Numerical iterator tools
13801-13850 of 16287.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.