
Filter by package name:
  • ruby-time : Ruby methods for parsing and converting Times
  • ruby-timeout : Timeout provides a way to auto-terminate a potentially long-running operation
  • ruby-tins : Useful stuff
  • ruby-tk : Tk interface module using tcltklib
  • ruby-tokyocabinet : Tokyo Cabinet: a modern implementation of DBM
  • ruby-trailblazer-option : Callable patterns for options in Trailblazer
  • ruby-treetop : A Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL
  • ruby-ttfunk : TrueType Font Metrics Parser
  • ruby-typhoeus : A library for interacting with web services at blinding speed
  • ruby-tzinfo : Daylight-savings aware timezone library
  • ruby-uber : Gem-authoring tools like class method inheritance in modules, dynamic options and more
  • ruby-uglifier : Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
  • ruby-unf : A wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support to Ruby/JRuby
  • ruby-unf_ext : Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby
  • ruby-uuid : Generates universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) for use in distributed applications
  • ruby-vagrant_cloud : Ruby client for the Vagrant Cloud API
  • ruby-validates_email_format_of : Validate e-mail addresses against RFC 2822 and RFC 3696
  • ruby-webmock : Library for stubbing HTTP requests in Ruby
  • ruby-webrick : HTTP server toolkit
  • ruby-webrobots : A Ruby library to help write robots.txt compliant web robots
  • ruby-websocket : Universal Ruby library to handle WebSocket protocol
  • ruby-will_paginate : Pagination for Rails
  • ruby-winrm : Ruby library for Windows Remote Management
  • ruby-winrm-elevated : Ruby library for running commands via WinRM as elevated through a scheduled task
  • ruby-winrm-fs : Ruby library for file system operations via Windows Remote Management
  • ruby-xml-simple : A simple API for XML processing
  • ruby-xpath : RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
  • ruby-ZenTest : ZenTest provides zentest, unit_diff, autotest, and multiruby
  • ruby-zoom : Ruby Zoom Handler
  • rubyripper : A high precision CD ripper
  • ruli : The RULI (Resolver User Layer Interface) library
  • run-parts : Run scripts or programs in a directory
  • rust : The Rust Programming Language
  • rust-addr2line : Cross-platform symbolication library written in Rust, using `gimli`
  • rust-adler : Simple clean-room implementation of the Adler-32 checksum
  • rust-adler32 : Minimal Adler32 implementation for Rust
  • rust-aes : Pure Rust implementation of the Advanced Encryption Standard
  • rust-ahash : Non-cryptographic hash function using AES-NI for high performance
  • rust-ahash0.4 : Non-cryptographic hash function using AES-NI for high performance
  • rust-ahash0.7 : Non-cryptographic hash function using AES-NI for high performance
  • rust-aho-corasick : Fast multiple substring searching
  • rust-aho-corasick0.7 : Fast multiple substring searching
  • rust-aliasable : Basic aliasable (non unique pointer) types
  • rust-allocator-api2 : Mirror of Rust's allocator API
  • rust-anes : ANSI Escape Sequences provider & parser
  • rust-annotate-snippets : Library for building code annotations
  • rust-ansi_term : Library for ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline)
  • rust-ansi_term0.11 : Library for ANSI terminal colours and styles (bold, underline)
  • rust-anstream : Simple cross platform library for writing colored text to a terminal
  • rust-anstyle : ANSI text styling
13401-13450 of 16287.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.