Package : jgmenu > RPM : jgmenu-4.4.1-2.mga9.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name jgmenu
Version 4.4.1
Release 2.mga9
Group Graphical desktop/Other
Summary Small X11 menu intended to be used with openbox and tint2
Size 401KB
Arch i586
License GPLv2


- jgmenu is a stand-alone, simple and contemporary-looking menu application
for Linux and BSD.
- Although it was originally written to be used with openbox and tint2,
it is not in any way dependent on these and runs well with other panels
and window managers.
- It is hackable with a clean, small code base.
- It can display the following types of menu (or any combination of):
o bespoke menu using a jgmenu flavoured CSV format
o application menu (XDG compatible) with localisation support
o openbox XML menu including pipe-menus
- It can display SVG, PNG and XPM icons.
- It has UTF-8 search support.
- It is highly customizable (e.g. colours, alignment, margins, padding,
- It can synchronise with xsettings, GTK and tint2 settings.
- It does not depend on any toolkits such as GTK and Qt, but uses cairo and
pango to render the menu directly onto an X11 window.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia cauldron
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM jgmenu-4.4.1-2.mga9.src.rpm
Build time 2022-12-23 19:37:42
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