Package : perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try > RPM : perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try-0.290.0-2.mga10.x86_64.rpm

Basic items

Name perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try
Version 0.290.0
Release 2.mga10
Group Development/Perl
Summary A C<try/catch/finally> syntax for perl
Size 93KB
Arch x86_64
License GPLv1+ or Artistic


This module provides a syntax plugin that implements exception-handling
semantics in a form familiar to users of other languages, being built on a
block labeled with the 'try' keyword, followed by at least one of a 'catch'
or 'finally' block.

As well as providing a handy syntax for this useful behaviour, this module
also serves to contain a number of code examples for how to implement
parser plugins and manipulate optrees to provide new syntax and behaviours
for perl code.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia cauldron
Media name core-release
Media arch x86_64

Advanced items

Source RPM perl-Syntax-Keyword-Try-0.290.0-2.mga10.src.rpm
Build time 2023-12-01 15:36:03
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