Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
handbrake An open-source video transcoder 1.7.3 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64heif-devel Development files for libheif 1.17.6 5.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-curl GStreamer Curl plugin 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-dash GStreamer plugin for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-de265 GStreamer plugin for de265 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-faad GStreamer plug-in for AAC audio playback 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-fdkaac GStreamer plugin for fdk-aac 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-fluidsynth GStreamer plugin for Midi Synthesizer Element 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-gme GStreamer Game Music plug-in 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-gsm GStreamer plugin for GSM lossy audio format 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-ladspa GStreamer plugin for LADSPA plugin 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-libass GStreamer subtitles plugin 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-mpeg2enc GStreamer mjpegtools plug-in 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-neon GStreamer plugin for NEON plugin 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-rtmp GStreamer plug-in for rtmp streams 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-sbc GStreamer plugin for Bluetooth SBC audio encoder/decoder 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-smoothstreaming GStreamer plugin for Microsoft's Smooth Streaming format 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-soundtouch GStreamer plug-in for SoundTouch support 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad GStreamer Streaming-media framework plug-ins 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-srtp GStreamer plugin for srtp 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-transcoder GStreamer Transcoding API 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-wildmidi GStreamer wildmidi Plugins 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
gstreamer1.0-x265 GStreamer plugin for x265 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64cudagst-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for CudaGst 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstanalytics-gir1.0 Object Introspection interface description for GstAnalytics 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstbadaudio-gir1.0 Object Introspection interface description for GstBadAudio 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstcodecs-gir1.0 Object Introspection interface description for GstCodecs 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstcuda-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for GstCuda 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstcuda1.0_0 Unstable library to work with CUDA inside GStreamer 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstanalytics1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstbadaudio1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstbasecamerabinsrc1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstcodecparsers1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstcodecs1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstdxva-gir1.0 Object Introspection interface description for GstDxva 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstinsertbin-gir1.0 Object Introspection interface description for GstInsertBin 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstmpegts-gir1.0 Object Introspection interface description for GstMpegts 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstmse-gir1.0 Object Introspection interface description for GstMse 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstplay-gir1.0 Object Introspection interface description for GstPlay 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstplayer-gir1.0 Object Introspection interface description for GstPlayer 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstdxva1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstinsertbin1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstisoff1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstmpegts1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstmse1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstphotography1.0_0 Libraries for GStreamer streaming-media framework 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gsttranscoder-devel GStreamer Transcoding API development files 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gsttranscoder-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for GstTranscoder 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gsttranscoder1.0_0 Shared libraries for gst-transcoder 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
lib64gstva-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for GstVa 1.24.1 4.mga10.tainted 2024-04-25
1-50 of 30399.