Package : libggz2 > RPM : libggz2-0.99.5-7.mga8.i586.rpm

Basic items

Name libggz2
Version 0.99.5
Release 7.mga8
Group Games/Other
Summary Common library for running GGZ Gaming Zone applications
Size 86KB
Arch i586
License GPLv2+


The GGZ Gaming Zone server allows other computers to connect to yours
via the Internet and play network games.

This package contains the shared library that provides features
required for running both clients and the server.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 8
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Source RPM ggz-base-libs-0.99.5-7.mga8.src.rpm
Build time 2020-02-13 03:01:40
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