Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
kernel-userspace-headers Linux kernel header files for userspace 3.14.27 1.mga4 2014-12-21
kernel Linux kernel built for Mageia 3.14.27 1.mga4 2014-12-21
glibc The GNU libc libraries 6:2.18 9.8.mga4 2014-12-21
mediawiki A wiki engine 1.23.8 1.mga4 2014-12-21
plasma-nm Plasma applet written in QML for managing network connections 1.1.mga4 2014-12-21
xlockmore An X terminal locking program 5.43 2.1.mga4 2014-12-20
ntp Synchronizes system time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP) 4.2.6p5 15.2.mga4 2014-12-20
znc An IRC bouncer with many advanced features 1.0 4.1.mga4 2014-12-19
git Global Information Tracker 1: 1.mga4 2014-12-19
php-apc The apc (Alternative PHP Cache) module for PHP 1:3.1.15 4.10.mga4 2014-12-19
php The PHP5 scripting language 3:5.5.20 1.mga4 2014-12-19
subversion A Concurrent Versioning System 2:1.8.11 1.mga4 2014-12-19
jasper JPEG-2000 utilities 1.900.1 15.2.mga4 2014-12-18
nail A MIME capable implementation of the mailx command 12.4 9.1.mga4 2014-12-17
file A utility for determining file types 5.16 1.9.mga4 2014-12-16
krb5 The Kerberos network authentication system 1.11.4 1.3.mga4 2014-12-16
pwgen Password generator 2.07 1.mga4 2014-12-16
unrtf RTF to other formats converter 0.21.7 1.mga4 2014-12-16
dokuwiki A wiki with plain text files backend 20140929 1.2.mga4 2014-12-15
libjpeg A MMX/SSE2 accelerated library for manipulating JPEG image files 1:1.3.0 3.1.mga4 2014-12-15
python An interpreted, interactive object-oriented programming language 2.7.9 1.mga4 2014-12-13
c-icap An ICAP server coded in C 4:0.2.6 2.2.mga4 2014-12-13
x11-server X11 servers 1.14.5 2.1.mga4 2014-12-13
pcre Perl-compatible regular expression library 8.33 2.1.mga4 2014-12-12
rpm The RPM package management system 1:4.11.1 9.mga4 2014-12-11
cpio A GNU archiving program 2.11 6.2.mga4 2014-12-11
qemu QEMU CPU Emulator 1.6.2 1.7.mga4 2014-12-10
apache The most widely used Web server on the Internet 2.4.7 5.4.mga4 2014-12-10
freetype2 A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine 3.2.mga4.tainted 2014-12-09
freetype2 A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine 3.2.mga4 2014-12-09
flash-player-plugin Flash Player plugin for browsers 1.mga4.nonfree 2014-12-09
bind A DNS (Domain Name System) server 9.9.6.P1 1.mga4 2014-12-09
pdns-recursor Recursor for PowerDNS 3.6.2 1.1.mga4 2014-12-09
graphviz Graph visualization tools 2.34.0 6.1.mga4 2014-12-09
iceape IceApe, the all-in-one internet application suite 0:2.31 3.mga4 2014-12-09
nodejs Evented Server-Side Javascript 0.10.33 1.mga4 2014-12-08
claws-mail The user-friendly, lightweight and fast GTK2 based email client 1:3.11.1 1.1.mga4 2014-12-07
marble A virtual globe and world atlas 4.12.5 1.1.mga4 2014-12-07
p11-kit Load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules 0.20.1 3.4.mga4 2014-12-06
php-pear-HTML_AJAX PHP and JavaScript AJAX library 0.5.7 1.mga4 2014-12-05
jasper JPEG-2000 utilities 1.900.1 15.1.mga4 2014-12-04
qt-creator Qt Creator is a lightweight, cross-platform integrated development environment (IDE) 3.0.0 1.4.mga4 2014-12-04
tcpdump A network traffic monitoring tool 2:4.4.0 2.2.mga4 2014-12-04
util-linux A collection of basic system utilities 2.24.2 1.mga4 2014-12-04
mutt Text mode mail user agent 1:1.5.23 1.mga4 2014-12-04
firebird Firebird SQL database management system 4.mga4 2014-12-04
phpmyadmin Handles the administration of MySQL over the web 1.mga4 2014-12-03
apache-mod_wsgi Python WSGI adapter module for Apache 3.5 1.2.mga4 2014-12-03
yaml YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C 0.1.6 1.1.mga4 2014-12-03
perl-YAML-LibYAML An XS Wrapper Module of libyaml 0.410.0 2.3.mga4 2014-12-03
651-700 of 1728.