Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
audacious-jack Audacious output plugin for the jack sound server 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
audacious-plugins Audacious Media Player core plugins 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
audacious-pulse Audacious output plugin for the Pulseaudio sound server 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
audacious-sid Audacious input plugin for C64 SID files 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
audacious-wavpack Wavpack input plugin for Audacious 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
audacious A versatile and handy media player 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
libaudacious-devel Development files for audacious 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
libaudclient2 Dbus remote control library for audacious 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
libaudcore1 Core engine library for audacious 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
skychart-wikidoc wiki documentation for skychart 3.4 1.3.mga2 2012-06-26
skychart Planetarium software for the advanced amateur astronomer 3.4 1.3.mga2 2012-06-26
postgrey Postfix Greylisting Policy Server 1.34 1.3.mga2 2012-06-26
corsixth Open source clone of Theme Hospital 1:0.01b 2.mga2 2012-06-25
phatch Photo Batch Processor 1.2.mga2 2012-06-25
phatch-doc Documentation for Photo Batch Processor 1.2.mga2 2012-06-25
phatch-nautilus-bindings Nautilus binding for Photo Batch Processor 1.2.mga2 2012-06-25
wine WINE Is Not An Emulator - runs MS Windows programs 1:1.4.1 1.mga2 2012-06-25
wine-devel Static libraries and headers for wine 1:1.4.1 1.mga2 2012-06-25
wine32 32-bit support for Wine 1:1.4.1 1.mga2 2012-06-25
kwooty A friendly nzb Usenet binary downloader 0.8.4 1.mga2 2012-06-25
areca-backup Java based backup utility 7.2.2 3.2.mga2 2012-06-25
pidgin-privacy-please Pidgin plugin to stop spammers from annoying you 0.7.1 1.mga2 2012-06-23
gnupg2 GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement 2.0.18 1.1.mga2 2012-06-22
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin SpamAssassin e-mail filter Perl modules 3.3.2 10.mga2 2012-06-22
perl-Mail-SpamAssassin-Spamd A mod_perl2 module implementing the spamd protocol 3.3.2 10.mga2 2012-06-22
spamassassin A spam filter for email which can be invoked from mail delivery agents 3.3.2 10.mga2 2012-06-22
spamassassin-spamc A client for spamd 3.3.2 10.mga2 2012-06-22
spamassassin-spamd Daemonized version of SpamAssassin 3.3.2 10.mga2 2012-06-22
spamassassin-tools Miscleanous tools for SpamAssassin 3.3.2 10.mga2 2012-06-22
spamassassin-sa-compile Compiles SpamAssassin rulesets into native perl code 3.3.2 10.mga2 2012-06-22
phpmyadmin Handles the administration of MySQL over the web 3.5.1 1.1.mga2 2012-06-21
dumpcap Network traffic dump tool 1.6.8 1.mga2 2012-06-21
libwireshark-devel Development files for wireshark 1.6.8 1.mga2 2012-06-21
libwireshark1 Network traffic and protocol analyzer libraries 1.6.8 1.mga2 2012-06-21
rawshark Dump and analyze raw libpcap data 1.6.8 1.mga2 2012-06-21
tshark Text-mode network traffic and protocol analyzer 1.6.8 1.mga2 2012-06-21
wireshark Network traffic analyzer 1.6.8 1.mga2 2012-06-21
wireshark-tools Tools for manipulating capture files 1.6.8 1.mga2 2012-06-21
libldap2.4_2 OpenLDAP libraries 2.4.29 2.1.mga2 2012-06-21
libldap2.4_2-devel OpenLDAP development libraries and header files 2.4.29 2.1.mga2 2012-06-21
libldap2.4_2-static-devel OpenLDAP development static libraries 2.4.29 2.1.mga2 2012-06-21
openldap-clients OpenLDAP clients and related files 2.4.29 2.1.mga2 2012-06-21
openldap LDAP servers and sample clients 2.4.29 2.1.mga2 2012-06-21
openldap-doc OpenLDAP documentation and administration guide 2.4.29 2.1.mga2 2012-06-21
openldap-servers OpenLDAP servers and related files 2.4.29 2.1.mga2 2012-06-21
openldap-testprogs OpenLDAP Test Suite - simple testing client binaries 2.4.29 2.1.mga2 2012-06-21
openldap-tests OpenLDAP Test Suite - tests and data 2.4.29 2.1.mga2 2012-06-21
libnet-snmp-devel The development environment for the NET-SNMP project 5.7.1 3.1.mga2 2012-06-21
libnet-snmp-static-devel The static development libraries for the NET-SNMP project 5.7.1 3.1.mga2 2012-06-21
libnet-snmp30 Libraries for Network management (SNMP), from the NET-SNMP project 5.7.1 3.1.mga2 2012-06-21
8501-8550 of 9716.