Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
libboost-devel The libraries and headers needed for Boost development 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost-static-devel Static libraries for Boost development 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_chrono1.48.0 Boost chrono shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_date_time1.48.0 Boost date_time shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_filesystem1.48.0 Boost filesystem shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_graph1.48.0 Boost graph shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_iostreams1.48.0 Boost iostreams shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_locale1.48.0 Boost locale shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_math1.48.0 Boost math shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_prg_exec_monitor1.48.0 Boost prg_exec_monitor shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_program_options1.48.0 Boost program_options shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_python1.48.0 Boost python shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_random1.48.0 Boost random shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_regex1.48.0 Boost regex shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_serialization1.48.0 Boost serialization shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_signals1.48.0 Boost signals shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_system1.48.0 Boost system shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_thread1.48.0 Boost thread shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_timer1.48.0 Boost timer shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_unit_test_framework1.48.0 Boost unit_test_framework shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_wave1.48.0 Boost wave shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
libboost_wserialization1.48.0 Boost wserialization shared library 1.48.0 9.1.mga2 2012-06-29
aisleriot A compilation of solitaire card games 3.4.1 1.1.mga2 2012-06-28
rpm-mageia-setup The Mageia rpm configuration and scripts 1.147 8.1.mga2 2012-06-28
rpm-mageia-setup-build The Mageia rpm configuration and scripts to build rpms 1.147 8.1.mga2 2012-06-28
python-feedparser Parse RSS and Atom feeds in Python 5.1.2 2.mga2 2012-06-27
krb5-appl-clients Kerberos-aware telnet, ftp, rcp, rsh and rlogin clients 1.0.2 3.1.mga2 2012-06-27
krb5-appl-servers Kerberos-aware telnet, ftp, rcp, rsh and rlogin servers 1.0.2 3.1.mga2 2012-06-27
ntop Network and traffic analyzer 4.1.0 5.1.mga2 2012-06-27
midori Web browser based on WebKitGtk 0.4.4 1.2.mga2 2012-06-27
midori-vala Vala supported extensions for midori 0.4.4 1.2.mga2 2012-06-27
mosh Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo 1.1.3 1.1.mga2 2012-06-27
tomcat6-admin-webapps The host-manager and manager web applications for Apache Tomcat 0:6.0.35 4.1.mga2 2012-06-27
tomcat6-docs-webapp The docs web application for Apache Tomcat 0:6.0.35 4.1.mga2 2012-06-27
tomcat6 Apache Servlet/JSP Engine, RI for Servlet 2.5/JSP 2.1 API 0:6.0.35 4.1.mga2 2012-06-27
tomcat6-el-2.1-api Expression Language v1.0 API 0:6.0.35 4.1.mga2 2012-06-27
tomcat6-javadoc Javadoc generated documentation for Apache Tomcat 0:6.0.35 4.1.mga2 2012-06-27
tomcat6-jsp-2.1-api Apache Tomcat JSP API implementation classes 0:6.0.35 4.1.mga2 2012-06-27
tomcat6-lib Libraries needed to run the Tomcat Web container 0:6.0.35 4.1.mga2 2012-06-27
tomcat6-servlet-2.5-api Apache Tomcat Servlet API implementation classes 0:6.0.35 4.1.mga2 2012-06-27
tomcat6-webapps The ROOT and examples web applications for Apache Tomcat 0:6.0.35 4.1.mga2 2012-06-27
audacious-adplug AdLib player plugin for audacious 5:3.2.3 1.mga2.tainted 2012-06-26
audacious-fluidsynth Fluidsynth MIDI plugin for audacious 5:3.2.3 1.mga2.tainted 2012-06-26
audacious-jack Audacious output plugin for the jack sound server 5:3.2.3 1.mga2.tainted 2012-06-26
audacious-plugins Audacious Media Player core plugins 5:3.2.3 1.mga2.tainted 2012-06-26
audacious-pulse Audacious output plugin for the Pulseaudio sound server 5:3.2.3 1.mga2.tainted 2012-06-26
audacious-sid Audacious input plugin for C64 SID files 5:3.2.3 1.mga2.tainted 2012-06-26
audacious-wavpack Wavpack input plugin for Audacious 5:3.2.3 1.mga2.tainted 2012-06-26
audacious-adplug AdLib player plugin for audacious 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
audacious-fluidsynth Fluidsynth MIDI plugin for audacious 5:3.2.3 1.mga2 2012-06-26
8451-8500 of 9716.