Updates awaiting your testing

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
godot-runner Shared binary to play games developed with the Godot engine 3.5.1 1.mga8 2022-09-28 33219 (partial match, QA)
godot-server Godot headless runtime binary for hosting game servers 3.5.1 1.mga8 2022-09-28 33219 (partial match, QA)
arx-libertatis Cross-platform port of the GPL'ed Arx Fatalis game by Arkane Studios 1.2 1.mga8 2021-07-14
pioneerspacesim Pioneer - A game of lonely space adventure 20210203 1.mga8 2021-06-04 29077 (QA)
pioneerspacesim-data Data files for the Pioneer game 20210203 1.mga8 2021-06-04 29077 (QA)