Backports (new soft versions)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
godot3-runner Shared binary to play games developed with the Godot engine 3.1.1 1.mga6 2019-05-09
godot3-server Godot headless runtime binary for hosting game servers 3.1.1 1.mga6 2019-05-09
gzdoom Enhanced Doom engine 3.5.0 1.mga6 2018-08-26
godot3-runner Shared binary to play games developed with the Godot engine 3.0.6 1.mga6 2018-08-11
godot3-server Godot headless binary for servers 3.0.6 1.mga6 2018-08-11
mame Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator 0.188 1.mga6 2017-08-12
mame-data Data files used by MAME 0.188 1.mga6 2017-08-12
mame-data-software-lists Software lists used by MAME 0.188 1.mga6 2017-08-12
mame-doc Documentation for MAME 0.188 1.mga6 2017-08-12
mame-tools Additional tools for MAME 0.188 1.mga6 2017-08-12