Backports (new soft versions)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
flightgear-data The data for FlightGear Flight Simulator 2016.4.4 1.mga5 2017-01-09
flightgear The FlightGear Flight Simulator 2016.4.4 1.mga5 2017-01-08
lugaru Ninja rabbit fighting game 1.1 1.mga5 2016-12-18
lugaru-data Arch-independent data files for the Lugaru game 1.1 1.mga5 2016-12-18
flightgear The FlightGear Flight Simulator 2016.4.3 1.mga5 2016-12-14 19948 (QA)
widelands Settlers II clone 2:b19 1.mga5 2016-11-13
widelands-basic-data Basic data set for widelands 2:b19 1.mga5 2016-11-13
widelands-i18n Translations for widelands 2:b19 1.mga5 2016-11-13
widelands-maps Maps for widelands 2:b19 1.mga5 2016-11-13
widelands-music Music for widelands 2:b19 1.mga5 2016-11-13
flightgear-data The data for FlightGear Flight Simulator 2016.3.1 1.mga5 2016-10-08
flightgear The FlightGear Flight Simulator 2016.3.1 1.mga5 2016-10-08
flightgear-data The data for FlightGear Flight Simulator 2016.2.1 1.mga5 2016-05-26
flightgear The FlightGear Flight Simulator 2016.2.1 1.mga5 2016-05-26
minilens Libre puzzle platformer for gravity-oblivious aliens 1.2 1.1.mga5 2016-05-06
tanks-of-freedom Indie turn-based strategy game in isometric pixel art 0.4.2 1.mga5 2016-03-16
godot-runner Shared binary to play games developed with the Godot engine 2.0.1 1.mga5 2016-03-08