Updates awaiting your testing

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
lib64kf5kipiplugins5 Runtime library for kipi-plugins 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kiten-devel Devel stuff for kiten 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kiten A Japanese reference/learning tool 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kiten6 Runtime library for Kiten 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kbreakout-handbook kbreakout handbook 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kanagram-handbook Kanagram handbook 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
k3b-devel Development libraries from k3b 4:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64k3bdevice8 K3B core library 4:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64k3blib8 K3B core library 4:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kolf-handbook kolf handbook 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kcalc KDE Calculator 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kanagram Word learning program 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kmahjongg-handbook kmahjongg handbook 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64ktcore16 Ktorrent library 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
artikulate-handbook Artikulate handbook 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
ksquares-handbook ksquares handbook 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
ksirk-handbook Ksirk handbook 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kblackbox-handbook kblackbox handbook 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
step-handbook step handbook 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kmines-handbook kmines handbook 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kolourpaint-handbook kolourpaint Handbook 2:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
knavalbattle-handbook Knavalbattle Handbook 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kirigami-gallery Gallery application built using Kirigami 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
artikulate Learning software to improve pronunciation skills 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64artikulatecore0 Runtime library for artikulate 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64artikulatelearnerprofile0 Runtime library for artikulate 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64artikulatesound0 Runtime library for artikulate 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64khealthcertificate1 The KDE Health Certificate library 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
ksquares An implementation of the popular paper based game squares 1:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kf6baloowidgets6 Widgets for Baloo 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kaccounts-integration-i18n Translation files for kaccounts-integration 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kolourpaint A free, easy-to-use paint program for Plasma5 2:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kolourpaint-devel Devel stuff for kolourpaint 2:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kolourpaint_lgpl5 Runtime library for Kolourpaint 2:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64qmobipocket6_2 Runtime library for qmobipocket 2:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kaccounts-integration-qt5 Small system to administer web accounts across the KDE desktop (Qt5) 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kaccounts-devel Devel stuff for kaccounts-integration (Qt5) 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kaccounts2 Small system to administer web accounts across the KDE desktop (Qt5) 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kaccounts6_2 Small system to administer web accounts across the KDE desktop (Qt6) 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpim6smtp6 Job-based library to send email through an SMTP server 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpim6libkdepim6 Lib for common kdepim apps 2:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpim6identitymanagementcore6 Manage PIM identity 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpim6identitymanagementquick6 Manage PIM identity 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpim6identitymanagementwidgets6 Manage PIM identity 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpim6grantleetheme6 This lib provides grantlee theme support 2:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
kipi-common Non-library files for the kipi library 2:24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpim6kontactinterface6 Kontact Plugin Interface Library 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpublictransport-devel Development files for kpublictransport 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpublictransport1 Library for reading public transport information 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
lib64kpublictransportonboard1 Library for reading public transport information 24.05.1 1.mga10 2024-06-14
301-350 of 749.