Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
lib64mwaw0.3_3 A library for import of many old Mac document formats 0.3.21 2.mga9 2022-03-19
libmwaw-tools Tools to transform the supported formats into other formats 0.3.21 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64globus-openssl-module-devel Grid Community Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper Development Files 5.2 4.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64globus-openssl-module0 Grid Community Toolkit - Globus OpenSSL Module Wrapper 5.2 4.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64neon-devel Headers for developing programs that will use libneon 0.31.2 3.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64neon-static-devel Static libneon library 0.31.2 3.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64neon27 Shared libraries for libneon 0.31.2 3.mga9 2022-03-19
md5sha1sum Microbrew MD5sum/SHA1sum/RIPEMD160sum 0.9.5 11.mga9 2022-03-19
atkmm1.6-doc Atkmm documentation 2.28.2 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64esmtp-devel Headers and development libraries for libESMTP 1.0.6 14.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64esmtp6 SMTP client library 1.0.6 14.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64atkmm1.6-devel Headers and development files of atkmm1.6 2.28.2 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64atkmm1.6_1 C++ interface for accessibility library Atk 2.28.2 2.mga9 2022-03-19
libodfgen-doc Documentation of libodfgen API 0.1.8 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64odfgen0.1-devel Development files for libodfgen 0.1.8 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64odfgen0.1_1 An ODF generator library 0.1.8 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lua5.1-bit32 Lua 5.2 bit manipulation library for lua 5.1 0.10 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lua5.1-compat53 Compatibility module providing Lua-5.3-style APIs for Lua 5.1 0.10 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lua5.1-compat53-devel Development files for lua 5.1 compat53 module 0.10 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64spectrum-devel Libraries, includes, etc. to develop libspectrum applications 1.5.0 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64spectrum9 Shared library of libspectrum 1.5.0 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64datrie-devel Double-array structure for representing trie 0.2.13 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64datrie1 Double-array structure for representing trie 0.2.13 2.mga9 2022-03-19
normalize A tool for adjusting the volume of wave files 0.7.7 24.mga9 2022-03-19
patchutils Patches utilities 0.4.2 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64nss-pgsql NSS library for postgresql 1.4.0 16.mga9 2022-03-19
libstaroffice-doc Documentation of libstaroffice API 0.0.7 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64xml++2.6-devel Headers for developing programs that will use libxml++ 2.40.1 7.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64xml++2.6_2 C++ interface for working with XML files 2.40.1 7.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64staroffice-devel Development files for libstaroffice 0.0.7 2.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64staroffice0.0_0 A library for import of binary StarOffice documents 0.0.7 2.mga9 2022-03-19
libstaroffice-tools Tools to transform StarOffice documents into other formats 0.0.7 2.mga9 2022-03-19
libabw-doc Documentation of libabw API 0.1.3 3.mga9 2022-03-19
libwpd-doc Documentation of libwpd API 0.10.3 3.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64abw-devel Development files for libabw 0.1.3 3.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64abw1 A library for import of AbiWord files 0.1.3 3.mga9 2022-03-19
libabw-tools Tools to transform AbiWord files into other formats 0.1.3 3.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64wpd-devel Files for developing with libwpd 0.10.3 3.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64wpd0.10_10 A library for import of WordPerfect documents 0.10.3 3.mga9 2022-03-19
libwpd-tools Tools to transform WordPerfect documents into other formats 0.10.3 3.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64tag-extras1 taglib-extras library 1.0.1 15.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64ots-devel Libraries and include files for developing with libots 0.5.0 17.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64ots1_0 Libraries for ots 0.5.0 17.mga9 2022-03-19
ots A text summarizer 0.5.0 17.mga9 2022-03-19
libpagemaker-doc Documentation of libpagemaker API 0.0.4 4.mga9 2022-03-19
mikmod A MOD music file player 3.2.8 4.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64pagemaker-devel Development files for libpagemaker 0.0.4 4.mga9 2022-03-19
lib64pagemaker0 A library for import of Adobe PageMaker documents 0.0.4 4.mga9 2022-03-19
libpagemaker-tools Tools to transform Adobe PageMaker documents into other formats 0.0.4 4.mga9 2022-03-19
libepubgen-doc Documentation of libepubgen API 0.1.1 4.mga9 2022-03-19
28751-28800 of 30399.