Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
perl-Class-DBI-FromForm Update Class::DBI data using Data::FormValidator or HTML Widget 0.40.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-DBI-Loader Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes 0.340.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-ArrayObjects Class-ArrayObjects module for perl 1.30.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-Contract Class-Contract module for perl 1.140.0 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-Accessor-Constructor Support for an automated dirty flag in 1.111.590 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT Make NEXT suck less 0.140.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-Accessor-Lvalue Class-Accessor-Lvalue module for perl 0.110.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-AutoClass Yet another OO helper 1.560.0 9.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-Accessor-Installer Install an accessor subroutine 1.100.880 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-Accessor-Classy Accessors with minimal inheritance 0.9.1 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-Accessor-Complex Arrays, hashes, booleans, integers, sets and more 1.100.880 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-Accessor-Chained Class-Accessor-Chained module for perl 0.10.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Class-Accessor-Assert Accessors which type-check 1.410.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Chess A framework for writing chess programs with Perl 0.6.2 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Check-ISA DWIM, correct checking of an object's class 0.40.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Chess-Play Play chess games, calculate legal moves, use a search algorithm 0.50.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Chart-Graph Perl extension for a front-end to gnuplot, XRT, and Xmgrace 3.200.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-Session-ID-uuid UUID based CGI Session Identifiers 0.30.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-XML CGI-XML perl module 0.100.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-Struct Build structures from CGI data 1.210.0 8.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-Cookie-Splitter Split big cookies into smaller ones 0.50.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-Auth Simple session-based password authentication for CGI applications 3.0.0 14.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-GuruMeditation Guru Meditation for CGIs 1.100.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-FastTemplate Perl extension for managing templates, and performing variable interpolation 1.90.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-FormMagick CGI-FormMagick module for perl 0.910.0 12.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Session Add CGI::Session support to CGI::Application 1.50.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-Echo CGI-Echo module for perl 1.80.0 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CatalystX-InjectComponent Inject components into your Catalyst application 0.25.0 12.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-RateLimit Limits runmode call rate per user 1.0.0 13.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CatalystX-CRUD CRUD framework for Catalyst applications 0.570.0 5.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Bio-FeatureIO Handler for FeatureIO 1.6.905 7.mga9 2022-03-20
nagios-check_temperature A Nagios wrapper script around digitemp 1.1 15.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-P-S-Store-FastMmap FastMmap session storage backend 0.160.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-ByClass Locate static content in @INC 0.5.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-YAML add Config::YAML support to CGI::Application 0.10.0 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CatalystX-RoleApplicator Apply roles to your Catalyst application-related classes 0.5.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CDDB-File Parse a CDDB/freedb data file 1.50.0 9.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-CatalystX-Component-Traits Automatic Trait Loading and Resolution for 0.190.0 9.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-View-Excel-Template-Plus Excel::Plus View for [% app %] 0.40.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Cache Store sessions using a Catalyst::Plugin::Cache 0.10.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-Model-SOAP Map a WSDL to a catalyst model class 1.500.0 7.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-Plugin-Setenv Allows you to set up the environment from Catalyst's config file 0.30.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-Model-LDAP-FromAuthentication Provides an LDAP model bound as the user who logged in 0.20.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-DispatchType-Regex LocalRegexp DispatchType 5.900.350 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole Apply roles to action instances 0.170.0 6.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Carp-Parse-Redact Represent the parsed caller information for a line of the Carp stack trace 1.1.5 11.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Carp-Assert Carp::Assert - executable comments 0.210.0 9.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-C-Analyzer Generates C Call Control Flow tree for C source code 0.20.0 10.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-Controller-SOAP Helper controller for SOAP 1.250.0 7.mga9 2022-03-20
perl-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBI User object representing a 0.10.0 11.mga9 2022-03-20
28251-28300 of 30371.