Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
mojo-keytool-maven-plugin A plugin that wraps the keytool program and allows to manipulate keystores 1.5 6.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw32-gtk2 MinGW Windows Gtk2 library 2.24.33 2.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw32-gtk2-static Static version of the MinGW Windows Gtk2 library 2.24.33 2.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw64-gtk2 MinGW Windows Gtk2 library 2.24.33 2.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw64-gtk2-static Static version of the MinGW Windows Gtk2 library 2.24.33 2.mga9 2022-11-04
minidns Minimal DNS library for Java and Android systems 0.1.7 6.mga9 2022-11-04
minidns-javadoc Javadoc for minidns 0.1.7 6.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw32-libglade2 MinGW Windows Libglade2 library 2.6.4 22.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw32-libglade2-static Static MinGW Windows Libglade2 library 2.6.4 22.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw64-libglade2 MinGW Windows Libglade2 library 2.6.4 22.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw64-libglade2-static Static MinGW Windows Libglade2 library 2.6.4 22.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw32-gtkmm24 MinGW Windows C++ interface for GTK2 (a GUI library for X) 2.24.5 5.mga9 2022-11-04
mingw64-gtkmm24 MinGW Windows C++ interface for GTK2 (a GUI library for X) 2.24.5 5.mga9 2022-11-04
mimepull Streaming API to access attachments from a MIME message 1.9.6 8.mga9 2022-11-04
mimepull-javadoc Javadoc for mimepull 1.9.6 8.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-native Compile c and c++ source under Maven 1.0 0.12.alpha.11.2.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-native-components Maven Native Components 1.0 0.12.alpha.11.2.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-native-javadoc Javadoc for maven-native 1.0 0.12.alpha.11.2.mga9 2022-11-04
native-maven-plugin Native Maven Plugin 1.0 0.12.alpha.11.2.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-install-plugin Maven Install Plugin 2.5.2 10.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-install-plugin-javadoc Javadoc for maven-install-plugin 2.5.2 10.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-gpg-plugin Maven GPG Plugin 1.6 9.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-gpg-plugin-javadoc Javadoc for maven-gpg-plugin 1.6 9.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-ear-plugin Maven EAR Plugin 2.10 9.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-ear-plugin-javadoc Javadoc for maven-ear-plugin 2.10 9.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-downloader Maven artifact downloader 1:1.1 13.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-downloader-javadoc Javadoc for maven-downloader 1:1.1 13.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-deploy-plugin Maven Deploy Plugin 2.8.2 10.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-deploy-plugin-javadoc Javadoc for maven-deploy-plugin 2.8.2 10.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-artifact-resolver Maven Artifact Resolution API 1:1.0 20.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-artifact-resolver-javadoc Javadoc for maven-artifact-resolver 1:1.0 20.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-artifact Compatibility Maven artifact artifact 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-artifact-manager Compatibility Maven artifact manager artifact 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-model Compatibility Maven model artifact 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-monitor Compatibility Maven monitor artifact 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-plugin-descriptor Maven Plugin Description Model 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-plugin-registry Compatibility Maven plugin registry artifact 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-profile Compatibility Maven profile artifact 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-project Compatibility Maven project artifact 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-settings Compatibility Maven settings artifact 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven-toolchain Compatibility Maven toolchain artifact 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
maven2-javadoc Javadoc for maven2 2.2.1 100.mga9 2022-11-04
mahout-collection-codegen-plugin Maven Mojo to generate code for Mahout Collections 1.0 15.mga9 2022-11-04
mahout-collection-codegen-plugin-javadoc API documentation for mahout-collection-codegen-plugin 1.0 15.mga9 2022-11-04
kxml Small XML pull parser 2.3.0 19.mga9 2022-11-04
kxml-javadoc Javadoc for kxml 2.3.0 19.mga9 2022-11-04
jvnet-parent Java.net parent POM file 5 2.mga9 2022-11-04
juniversalchardet Java character encoding detection 2.4.0 2.mga9 2022-11-04
juniversalchardet-javadoc API documentation for juniversalchardet 2.4.0 2.mga9 2022-11-04
junitperf JUnit extension for performance and scalability testing 1.9.1 9.mga9 2022-11-04
17601-17650 of 30373.