Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
libiodbc-util The iODBC Driver Manager common binary files 3.52.16 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libiodbc2 The iODBC Driver Manager main library 3.52.16 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libiodbcadm2 The iODBC Driver Manager main library 3.52.16 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libiodbcinst2 The iODBC Driver Manager main library 3.52.16 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libxmlb-devel Development package for libxmlb 0.3.14 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libxmlb-tests Files for installed tests 0.3.14 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libxmlb2 Library for querying compressed XML metadata 0.3.14 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libpackagekit-qt5-devel Libraries and headers for PackageKit-Qt5 1.1.1 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libpackagekit-qt6-devel Libraries and headers for PackageKit-Qt6 1.1.1 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libpackagekitqt5_1 Libraries for accessing PackageKit-Qt5 1.1.1 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libpackagekitqt6_1 Libraries for accessing PackageKit-Qt6 1.1.1 1.mga10 2023-11-05
libphonon4qt5-devel Header files for compiling KDE applications 5:4.12.0 2.mga10 2023-11-04
libsoup3.0-i18n Library for soup - translations 3.4.4 1.mga10 2023-11-04
gssdp Implements resource discovery and announcement over SSDP 1.6.3 1.mga10 2023-11-04
libgssdp-gir1.6 GObject Introspection interface description for GSSDP 1.6.3 1.mga10 2023-11-04
libgssdp1.6_0 Main library for gssdp 1.6.3 1.mga10 2023-11-04
libgupnp-devel Headers for developing programs that will use gupnp 1.6.6 1.mga10 2023-11-04
libgupnp-gir1.6 GObject Introspection interface description for gupnp 1.6.6 1.mga10 2023-11-04
libgupnp1.6_0 Main library for gupnp 1.6.6 1.mga10 2023-11-04
libsoup-gir3.0 GObject Introspection interface library for libsoup 3.4.4 1.mga10 2023-11-04
libsoup3.0_0 Libraries for soup 3.4.4 1.mga10 2023-11-04
libsndfile-devel Libraries, includes, etc to develop libsndfile applications 1.2.2 2.mga10 2023-11-02
libsndfile-progs Example progs based on libsndfile 1.2.2 2.mga10 2023-11-02
libsndfile1 Shared library of sndfile 1.2.2 2.mga10 2023-11-02
get_iplayer iPlayer TV, Radio, Podcase, Programmes stream tool 3.34 1.mga10 2023-11-02
hotspot The Linux perf GUI for performance analysis 1.4.1 2.mga10 2023-11-02
fuse-common Common files for File System in Userspace (FUSE) v2 and v3 3.16.2 1.mga10 2023-11-01
gammu Mobile phones tools for Unix (Linux) and Win32 1.42.0 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libgammu-devel Headers and pkgconfig file for Gammu development 1.42.0 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libgammu8 Mobile phones tools for Unix (Linux) and Win32 (libraries) 1.42.0 1.mga10 2023-11-01
fuse3 Interface for userspace programs to export a virtual filesystem to the kernel 3.16.2 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libfuse3-devel Header files and development libraries for libfuse2 3.16.2 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libfuse3_3 Libraries for fuse 3.16.2 1.mga10 2023-11-01
flac An encoder/decoder for the Free Lossless Audio Codec 1.4.3 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libflac++-devel Libraries and headers needed for building apps using FLAC++ 1.4.3 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libflac++10 Shared C++ libraries for FLAC 1.4.3 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libflac-devel Libraries and headers needed for building apps using FLAC 1.4.3 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libflac12 Shared libraries for FLAC 1.4.3 1.mga10 2023-11-01
fio A flexible I/O tester/benchmarker 3.36 1.mga10 2023-11-01
fcitx-qt5 Fcitx IM module for Qt5 1.2.7 1.mga10 2023-11-01
fcitx-qt5-devel Development files for fcitx-qt5 1.2.7 1.mga10 2023-11-01
exempi Library for easy parsing of XMP metadata 2.6.4 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libexempi-devel Headers for developing programs that will use exempi 2.6.4 1.mga10 2023-11-01
libexempi8 XMP implementation 2.6.4 1.mga10 2023-11-01
elementary-icon-theme Elementary icons for GNOME Desktop 7.3.1 1.mga10 2023-11-01
elementary-icon-theme-gimp-palette Icons from the Elementary Project (GIMP palette) 7.3.1 1.mga10 2023-11-01
elementary-icon-theme-inkscape-palette Icons from the Elementary Project (inkscape palette) 7.3.1 1.mga10 2023-11-01
perl-Mail-AuthenticationResults Class for modelling AuthenticationResults Header parts detected as quoted strings 2.202.310.310 1.mga10 2023-11-01
perl-Pod-Markdown Convert POD to Markdown 3.400.0 1.mga10 2023-11-01
perl-Data-TreeDumper Improved replacement for Data::Dumper 0.410.0 1.mga10 2023-11-01
1451-1500 of 30370.