Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
lib64synthesis0 Synthesis library 1:2.0.0 3.mga9 2022-11-27
lib64xrootd-client-devel Development files for xrootd clients 5.5.1 1.mga9 2022-11-26
lib64xrootd-client5 Libraries used by xrootd clients 5.5.1 1.mga9 2022-11-26
lib64xrootd-devel Development files for xrootd 5.5.1 1.mga9 2022-11-26
lib64xrootd-private-devel Legacy xrootd headers 5.5.1 1.mga9 2022-11-26
lib64xrootd-server-devel Development files for xrootd servers 5.5.1 1.mga9 2022-11-26
lib64xrootd-server5 Libraries used by xrootd servers 5.5.1 1.mga9 2022-11-26
lib64xrootd5 Libraries used by xrootd servers and clients 5.5.1 1.mga9 2022-11-26
designing-with-libreoffice Free PDF about Designing with LibreOffice 2.0 1.mga9 2022-11-26
lib64pkcs11-helper-devel Header files and static libraries from pkcs11-helper 1.29.0 1.mga9 2022-11-26
lib64pkcs11-helper1 Dynamic libraries from pkcs11-helper 1.29.0 1.mga9 2022-11-26
flightgear-data The data for FlightGear Flight Simulator 2020.3.17 1.mga9 2022-11-25
golang-github-prometheus-client-devel Prometheus instrumentation library for go applications 1.12.2 2.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64mbim-gir1.0 GObject Introspection interface description for Mbim 1.28.2 1.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64mbim-glib-devel Header files and development libraries for libmbim 1.28.2 1.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64mbim-glib4 Libraries for libmbim 1.28.2 1.mga9 2022-11-25
libmbim-utils MBIM command line utilities 1.28.2 1.mga9 2022-11-25
jbigkit The JBIG-KIT 2.1 9.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64jbig-devel Static library and header files for development with JBIG-KIT 2.1 9.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64jbig1 The Shared library for The JBIG-KIT 2.1 9.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64dwarf-devel Library and header files of libdwarf 1:0.5.0 1.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64dwarf0 Library to access the DWARF Debugging file format 1:0.5.0 1.mga9 2022-11-25
libdwarf-static Static libdwarf library 1:0.5.0 1.mga9 2022-11-25
libdwarf-tools Tools for accessing DWARF debugging information 1:0.5.0 1.mga9 2022-11-25
guestfs-tools Tools to access and modify virtual machine disk images 1.49.6 1.mga9 2022-11-25
guestfs-tools-bash-completion Bash tab-completion scripts for guestfs-tools 1.49.6 1.mga9 2022-11-25
guestfs-tools-man-pages-ja Japanese (ja) man pages for guestfs-tools 1.49.6 1.mga9 2022-11-25
guestfs-tools-man-pages-uk Ukrainian (uk) man pages for guestfs-tools 1.49.6 1.mga9 2022-11-25
perl-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader Dynamic definition of a DBIx::Class::Schema 1:0.70.510 1.mga9 2022-11-25
fakeroot Gives a fake root environment 1.30.1 2.mga9 2022-11-25
mold A Modern Linker (mold) 1.7.1 1.mga9 2022-11-25
fail2ban Ban IP-addresses that result in too many password failures 1.0.2 1.3.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64oath-devel Development files and documentation for liboath 2.6.7 1.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64oath0 A library implementing HOTP/TOTP one-time password authentication schemes 2.6.7 1.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64pskc-devel Development files and documentation for liboath PSKC 2.6.7 1.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64pskc0 A library implementing HOTP/TOTP one-time password authentication schemes 2.6.7 1.mga9 2022-11-25
oath-toolkit OATH Toolkit is a software toolkit for using HOTP/TOTP schemes 2.6.7 1.mga9 2022-11-25
pam_oath A PAM module for HOTP/TOTP one-time password authentication 2.6.7 1.mga9 2022-11-25
mingw32-angleproject-static Static version of the mingw32-angleproject library 3280 1.git57ea533.1.mga9 2022-11-25
mingw32-angleproject Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine for Win32 3280 1.git57ea533.1.mga9 2022-11-25
mingw64-angleproject Almost Native Graphics Layer Engine for Win64 3280 1.git57ea533.1.mga9 2022-11-25
mingw64-angleproject-static Static version of the mingw32-angleproject library 3280 1.git57ea533.1.mga9 2022-11-25
mingw32-dlfcn Implements a wrapper for dlfcn (dlopen dlclose dlsym dlerror) 1.3.1 1.mga9 2022-11-25
mingw32-dlfcn-static Static version of the MinGW Windows dlfcn library 1.3.1 1.mga9 2022-11-25
mingw64-dlfcn Implements a wrapper for dlfcn (dlopen dlclose dlsym dlerror) 1.3.1 1.mga9 2022-11-25
mingw64-dlfcn-static Static version of the MinGW Windows dlfcn library 1.3.1 1.mga9 2022-11-25
malcontent-i18n Library for parental controls support - translations 0.10.5 1.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64malcontent-devel Development files for malcontent 0.10.5 1.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64malcontent-gir0 GObject Introspection interface description for malcontent 0.10.5 1.mga9 2022-11-25
lib64malcontent0 Library for parental controls support 0.10.5 1.mga9 2022-11-25
16401-16450 of 30395.