Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
lib64fuzzylite-devel Development files for fuzzylite 6.0 2.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64fuzzylite6.0 A fuzzy logic control library in C++ 6.0 2.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64fudgefont-devel Development files for the FudgeFont Allegro 4 addon 1.4 6.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64fudgefont1 Fudges TTF fonts into Allegro 1.4 6.mga9 2022-12-07
gmime2.6-sharp GMIME# bindings for mono 2.6.23 10.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64gmime-gir2.6 GObject Introspection interface description for GMime 2.6.23 10.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64gmime2.6-devel Development library and header files for the libgmime2.6 library 2.6.23 10.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64gmime2.6_0 The libGMIME library 2.6.23 10.mga9 2022-12-07
itk Object oriented extensions to Tk 4.1.0 4.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64itk4.1.0 Library for linking against itk 4.1.0 4.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64itk4.1.0-devel Development headers for linking against itk 4.1.0 4.mga9 2022-12-07
itcl Object oriented extensions to Tcl and Tk 4.1.1 4.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64itcl4.1.1 Library for linking against itcl 4.1.1 4.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64itcl4.1.1-devel Development headers for linking against itcl 4.1.1 4.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64itcl4.1.1-static-devel Static library for linking against itclstub 4.1.1 4.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64sofa-devel Headers for developing programs that will use iausofa-c 20160503a 4.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64sofa0 Standards of fundamental astronomy 20160503a 4.mga9 2022-12-07
jline2 Java library for handling console input 2.14.6 6.mga9 2022-12-07
jline2-javadoc API documentation for jline2 2.14.6 6.mga9 2022-12-07
jssc-javadoc Javadoc for jssc package 2.8.0 8.mga9 2022-12-07
jssc Java Simple Serial Connector 2.8.0 8.mga9 2022-12-07
netkit-telnet Client for the telnet remote login protocol 0.17 22.mga9 2022-12-07
netkit-telnet-server A extremely unsecure telnet server 0.17 22.mga9 2022-12-07
neovim-gtk GTK UI for Neovim 0.2.0 0.git20210102.1.mga9 2022-12-07
neovim-gtk-docs GTK UI for Neovim 0.2.0 0.git20210102.1.mga9 2022-12-07
mingw32-libglademm24 MinGW Windows C++ wrapper for libglade 2.6.7 26.mga9 2022-12-07
micro A modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor 2.0.9 2.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64menu-cache-devel Contains development files for menu-cache 1.1.0 7.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64menu-cache3 Contains shared libraries for menu-cache 1.1.0 7.mga9 2022-12-07
menu-cache A library to speed up freedesktop.org application menus 1.1.0 7.mga9 2022-12-07
mingw32-celt051 An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication 20.mga9 2022-12-07
mingw32-celt051-static Static version of the CELT ultra-low delay audio codec library 20.mga9 2022-12-07
mingw64-celt051 An audio codec for use in low-delay speech and audio communication 20.mga9 2022-12-07
mingw64-celt051-static Static version of the CELT ultra-low delay audio codec library 20.mga9 2022-12-07
mingw32-dirac Dirac is an open source video codec 1.0.2 20.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64ngspice-devel Headers for developing programs that will use ngspice 38 1.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64ngspice0 Main library for ngspice 38 1.mga9 2022-12-07
ngspice Mixed Mode - Mixed Level Circuit Simulator Based On Berkley's spice3f5 38 1.mga9 2022-12-07
netpanzer An online multiplayer tactical warfare game 0.8.7 8.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64pg2plplot-devel Development files for pg2plplot 5.13.0 8.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64pg2plplot-static-devel Static development files for pg2plplot 5.13.0 8.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64pg2plplot0 A library for replacing calls to PGPlot by calls to PLplot 5.13.0 8.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64plasmamediacenter5 A mediacenter user interface written with the Plasma framework 5.7.5 11.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64tclx-devel Development files for tclx 0:8.4.4 2.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64tclx8.6 Shared libraries for tclx 0:8.4.4 2.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64zrtpcpp-devel Development files for zrtpcpp 4.6.6 4.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64zrtpcpp4 ZRTP support library for the GNU ccRTP stack 4.6.6 4.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64ccrtp-devel Header files and libraries for ccrtp development 2.1.2 5.mga9 2022-12-07
lib64ccrtp3 Common C++ class framework for RTP/RTCP 2.1.2 5.mga9 2022-12-07
openorienteering-mapper An orienteering map making program 0.9.5 5.mga9 2022-12-06
15801-15850 of 30398.