Updates (security and bugfix)

Filter by package name:
Name Summary Version Release Build date Bug link
libfm-qt Companion library for PCManFM 1.4.0 1.1.mga9 2024-07-18
libfm-qt-devel Development files for libfm-qt 1.4.0 1.1.mga9 2024-07-18
libfm-qt14 Runtime library for libfm-qt 1.4.0 1.1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache The most widely used Web server on the Internet 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-devel Module development tools for the apache web server 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-htcacheclean Clean up the disk cache (for apache-mod_disk_cache) 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_brotli Google Brotli compression for apache 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_cache Content cache keyed to URIs 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_dav Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_dbd Manages SQL database connections 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_http2 This module provides HTTP/2 (RFC 7540) support 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_ldap LDAP connection pooling and result caching DSO:s 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_proxy HTTP/1.1 proxy/gateway server 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_proxy_html HTML and XML content filters for the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_session Session interface for the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_ssl Strong cryptography using the SSL and TLS protocols 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_suexec Allows CGI scripts to run as a specified user and Group 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-mod_userdir User-specific directories 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
apache-doc The apache Manual 2.4.62 1.mga9 2024-07-18
libfm GIO-based library for file manager-like programs 1.3.2 4.1.mga9 2024-07-17
libfm-devel libfm development files 1.3.2 4.1.mga9 2024-07-17
libfm4 libfm library package 1.3.2 4.1.mga9 2024-07-17
lxshortcut Edit app shortcuts 1.3.2 4.1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird Full-featured email, RSS, and newsgroup client 0:115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-af Afrikaans interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-ar Arabic interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-ast Asturian interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-be Belarusian interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-bg Bulgarian interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-br Breton interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-ca Catalan interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-cs Czech interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-cy Welsh interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-da Dansk interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-de German interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-dsb Lower Sorbian interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-el Greek interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-en_CA English (Canada) interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-en_GB British English interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-en_US English (United States) interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-es_AR Spanish (Argentina) interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-es_ES Spanish interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-es_MX Spanish (Mexico) interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-et Estonian interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-eu Basque interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-fi Finnish interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-fr French interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-fy_NL Frisian interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-ga_IE Irish interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
thunderbird-gd Scottish Gaelic interface for Thunderbird 115.13.0 1.mga9 2024-07-17
1-50 of 7140.