Package : sthttpd

Package details

Summary: Throttleable lightweight httpd server

This is a fork of Jef Poskanzer's popular thttpd server, which you can read
about on his page. When the gentoo ebuild was abandoned in March 2012,
I decided to take a look at this package. Since upstream considered this
project "done" and was not accepting any new patches, and since the Gentoo tree
had a backlog of patches going back to 2006, I decided let it get tree cleaned.
However, the masses revolted! So, I decided the only sensible thing was to fork
the code and create an avenue for people who wanted to continue patching the
code. My major contribution to the fork was to revamp the build system and
modernize it. That was an almost total rewrite. However, the codebase remains
essentially the same, plus the dozen or so Gentoo patches that we'd collected
along the way.

Maintainer: nobody

List of RPMs

    No RPM found for sthttpd using the current filters, try other values.