
Filter by package name:
  • bean-validation-api : Bean Validation API (JSR 349)
  • beansbinding : Beans Binding (JSR 295) reference implementation
  • beecrypt : An open source cryptography library
  • beep : Control the PC speaker
  • beesu : Graphical wrapper for su
  • beforelight : Sample screen saver
  • beid-middleware : Application to read information from the Belgian e-ID card
  • beneath-a-steel-sky : An adventure game using ScummVM
  • berusky : Advanced sokoban clone with nice graphics
  • berusky-data : Data files for Berusky
  • berusky2 : Bugs Escape 3D - Advanced Sokoban clone with nice sceneries
  • berusky2-data : Data files for Berusky 2
  • beust-jcommander : Java framework for parsing command line parameters
  • bib2html : BibTeX to HTML translator
  • bibletime : Easy to use Bible study tool
  • bibtex2html : Collection of tools for translating from BibTeX to HTML
  • biew : Console hex viewer/editor and disassembler
  • bijiben : Simple Note Viewer
  • bind : A DNS (Domain Name System) server
  • bind-testsuite-setup : Set up interface aliases for bind9 system tests
  • bindex : Bundle Manifest Header Mapper
  • bino : Video Player with 3D and Multi-Display Video Support
  • binutils : GNU Binary Utility Development Utilities
  • biosdevname : Udev helper for naming devices per BIOS names
  • bip : IRC Bouncer (proxy)
  • bison : A GNU general-purpose parser generator
  • bitlbee : IRC proxy to connect to ICQ, AOL, MSN and Jabber
  • bitmap : Bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System
  • bitmap-fonts : Selected set of bitmap fonts
  • bkchem : Python 2D chemical structure drawing tool
  • bkhive : Dump the syskey bootkey from a Windows system hive
  • bleachbit : Remove unnecessary files, free space, and maintain privacy
  • blender : A fully functional 3D modeling/rendering/animation package
  • bless : Hexadecimal Editor
  • blindelephant : Web Application Finger Printer
  • blinken : Simon Says Game
  • blobby : Blobby Volley 2 arcade game
  • bloboats : Boat racing game
  • blogtk : Standalone blog entry poster
  • blt : A Tk toolkit extension, including widgets, geometry managers, etc
  • bluedevil : BlueDevil is the bluetooth stack for Plasma
  • bluefish : Web development studio
  • bluez : Official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack
  • bluez-firmware : Bluetooth firmware utilities
  • bluez-hcidump : Bluetooth HCI packet dump
  • bluez-pin : Bluetooth PIN GUI
  • bm : BuildManager - rpm package building helper
  • bobobot : A megaman clone
  • bodr : The Blue Obelisk Data Repository
  • bogofilter : Fast anti-spam filtering by Bayesian statistical analysis
451-500 of 11857.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.