Packages/Applications (System/Libraries)

Filter by package name:
  • openssl : Secure Sockets Layer communications libs & utils
  • openvas-libraries : Support libraries for Open Vulnerability Assessment (OpenVAS) Server
  • openzwave : Library to access Z-Wave interfaces
  • opusfile : A high-level API for decoding and seeking within .opus files
  • osm-gps-map : Gtk+ widget for displaying OpenStreetMap tiles
  • osm-gps-map0.7 : Gtk+ widget for displaying OpenStreetMap tiles
  • osptoolkit : The OSP Toolkit(tm)
  • ots : A text summarizer
  • p11-kit : Load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules
  • pam : A security tool which provides authentication for applications
  • pam-google-authenticator : Two-Factor Authentication Module that uses Google Authenticator
  • pam-pgsql : Postgresql authentication for PAM
  • pam-python : Support for writing PAM modules in Python
  • pam_abl : Auto blacklisting of hosts and users
  • pam_ccreds : A caching pam module for disconnected operation
  • pam_krb5 : A Pluggable Authentication Module for Kerberos 5
  • pam_mysql : MySQL authentication for PAM
  • pam_ssh : A Pluggable Authentication Module (PAM) for use with SSH
  • pam_yubico : Provides support for One Time Passwords (OTP) authentication
  • pangomm : C++ interface for the pango library
  • pcre2 : Perl-compatible regular expression library
  • pentaho-reporting-flow-engine : Pentaho Flow Reporting Engine
  • perl-Locale-PO : Locale::PO - Perl module for manipulating .po entries from GNU gettext
  • perl-Makefile-Parser : Makefile::Parser - A simple parser for Makefiles
  • phat : Widgets for audio applications
  • php-pear-channel-components : Adds channel to PEAR
  • php-pear-channel-horde : Adds channel to PEAR
  • php-pear-channel-symfony2 : Adds channel to PEAR
  • physfs : PhysicsFS, a library to provide abstract access to various archives
  • pixman : A pixel manipulation library
  • pjproject : Libraries for building embedded/non-embedded VoIP applications
  • pkcs11-helper : A library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS#11
  • plib : Set of portable game libraries
  • pnglite : A lightweight C library for loading PNG images
  • polkit : PolicyKit Authorization Framework
  • polkit-qt5 : Qt 5 bindings for PolicyKit
  • popt : C library for parsing command line parameters
  • portaudio : Cross platform audio I/O library
  • portmidi : Real-time MIDI input/output, audio I/O library
  • primesieve : A fast C/C++ prime number generator
  • prison : KDE Frameworks 6 Tier 1 barcode abstraction library
  • pslib : A C-library for generating multi-pages PostScript documents
  • pth : GNU Pth - GNU Portable Threads
  • ptlib : Portable Tool Library
  • pugixml : A light-weight C++ XML processing library
  • pxlib : A library to read Paradox DB files
  • python-asn1crypto : Fast Python ASN.1 parser and serializer
  • python-configshell : A framework to implement simple but nice CLIs
  • python-fuse : Python binding for Fuse (Filesystem in Userspace)
  • python-greenlet : Lightweight in-process concurrent programming
851-900 of 1070.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.