Packages/Applications (System/Libraries)

Filter by package name:
  • nodejs-rimraf : A deep deletion module for node.js
  • nodejs-runforcover : Require plugin for JS code coverage
  • nodejs-should : A test framework agnostic BDD-style assertions for Node.js
  • nodejs-sigmund : Quick and dirty signatures for Objects
  • nodejs-simple-assert : Vanilla assertions for Node.js
  • nodejs-slide : A flow control library that fits in a slideshow
  • nodejs-string-dot-prototype-dot-trim : ES5 spec-compliant shim for String.prototype.trim
  • nodejs-tap-parser : Parse the test anything protocol
  • nodejs-tape : Tap-producing test harness for Node.js and browsers
  • nodejs-through : Simplified stream construction for Node.js
  • nodejs-transformers : String/Data transformations for Node.js
  • nodejs-traverse : traverse and transform objects by visiting every node on a recursive walk
  • nodejs-underscore : JavaScript's functional programming helper library
  • nodejs-underscore-dot-string : String manipulation extensions for the Underscore.js JavaScript library
  • nodejs-which : A JavaScript implementation of the 'which' command
  • nodejs-with : Compile time `with` for strict mode JavaScript
  • nodejs-yamlish : Parser/encoder for the yamlish format
  • nodejs-yargs : Light-weight option parsing with an argv hash
  • nodeunit : Easy asynchronous unit testing framework for Node.js
  • notify-sharp : C# desktop notification client
  • nspr : Netscape Portable Runtime
  • nss : Network Security Services
  • nss-pam-ldapd : An nsswitch module which uses directory servers
  • nss_mdns : Multicast dns support for glibc domain resolver
  • nss_postgresql : NSS library for postgresql
  • nss_updatedb : A caching nss module for disconnected operation
  • ntk : Non Tool Kit (NTK)
  • ntl : Library for doing number theory
  • oaml : Open Adaptive Music Library
  • obby : A library which provides synced document buffers
  • ocl-icd : OpenCL ICL Loader
  • ode : The Open Dynamics Engine
  • ogre : Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine
  • ois : Object Oriented Input System
  • onig : Regular expressions library
  • opal3 : VoIP library
  • opencdk : Open Crypto Development Kit
  • opencollada : Collada 3D import and export libraries
  • opencolorio : A complete color management solution
  • opencryptoki : Implementation of the PKCS#11 (Cryptoki) specification v3.0
  • opencsg : Library for Constructive Solid Geometry using OpenGL
  • openctm : Library for compression of 3D triangle meshes
  • opendht : A C++17 Distributed Hash Table implementation
  • openimageio : Library for reading and writing images
  • openjpeg : An open-source JPEG 2000 codec
  • openjpeg2 : An open-source JPEG 2000 codec
  • openobex : Library for using OBEX
  • openpgm : An implementation of the PGM reliable multicast protocol
  • openscap : Set of open source libraries enabling integration of the SCAP line of standards
  • openscenegraph : A C++ scene graph API on OpenGL for real time graphics
801-850 of 1070.

This list shows all types of packages. Show only applications.