Package : urtsb > RPM : urtsb-0.4-11.mga7.src.rpm

Basic items

Name urtsb
Version 0.4
Release 11.mga7
Group Games/Shooter
Summary Game Server Browser for the FPS Urban Terror
Size 901KB
Arch noarch
License GPLv3


UrTSB is a Game Server Browser for the First Person Shooter game Urban Terror
(, targeted to run on Linux and Windows.


* Server search (master server query)
* Filter results (including UrT specific game types)
* Display server details - players (with kills, ping) and server vars
* Manage favorites - add/remove servers to a favorites list
* Buddy list - manage a buddy list and search servers your buddies are playing
on (note: the search is case sensitive!). Supports sub-strings. For example
if you add only the string [clan-tag] a buddy search will return all servers
where players with [clan-tag] in their name are playing. Good to see where
your clan m8s are playing :)
* of course launching Urban Terror with automatic connection to a selected
* view a list of servers you recently played on (if UrTSB was used to connect)
including date of last connection and number of connections
* RCON feature

Media information

Distribution release Mageia 7
Media name core-release
Media arch i586

Advanced items

Build time 2018-09-19 20:14:53
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