Package : freedroidrpg > RPM : freedroidrpg-1.0-4.mga10.src.rpm

Basic items

Name freedroidrpg
Version 1.0
Release 4.mga10
Group Games/Adventure
Summary A futuristic and immersive action RPG about fighting bots
Size 238MB
Arch aarch64
License GPLv2+


FreedroidRPG is an open source isometric role-playing game. This game tells
the story of a world destroyed by a conflict between the bots and their human
masters. Play as Tux in a quest to save the world from the murderous rebel
bots who know no mercy. You get to choose which path you wish to follow, and
freedom of choice is everywhere in the game.

FreedroidRPG features a complete real time combat system with melee and
ranged weapons, fairly similar to the proprietary game Diablo. There also is
an innovative system of magic, with features such as forced casting and over
20 spells. You can use over 50 different kinds of items and fight countless
enemies on your way to your destiny.

Media information

Distribution release Mageia cauldron
Media name core-release
Media arch x86_64

Advanced items

Build time 2024-05-11 13:03:50
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